My Plants are DYING

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I really can't see anything as the photos are too blurry. It looks like you have multiple plants in one pot which is a tangle fest and maybe root bound.


Well-Known Member
ok first, be calm....smoke a bowl. :-) She's not gonna die today on you. Marijuana is a hardy plant, it takes some doing to kill it. It's a weed, it wants to live.

Ok, now you said you haven't added any nutes. Why? You also said they are turning yellow. The three key things you need for healthy green plants is Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium (these last two nutes are what helps keep her green). So, you need to go get yourself some nutrients asap from the grow store. And I'm not talking miracle grow!! Since you're a soil grower and I grow hydro, I'm not sure what brand of nutes you should buy or how much you should use. What ever you end up getting, don't go crazy with it. What I mean is, don't keep adding more nutes each day just because your plants aren't nice and green the day after you added nutrients. It takes time for the plant to respond to any changes we make. And get a pH meter. You need to keep your pH around 6.0 for soil, I believe...

Can someone here suggest some good soil nutes and how to use them, please?

if no one suggests anything, then go check some of the soil growers threads on nutrients and see what they are using with good results and copy what they do... that's the best I can offer. Good luck.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
A simple system I used starting out in soil was General Hydroponics Flora Nova 2 part system - Grow & Bloom. Served me well for a couple years.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Don't let the name General Hydroponics fool you. These are great for soil as they are water soluble and can be watered in.


Well-Known Member
A plant of any sort needs a little help give it some nutrients has it will have taken any goodness out of the soil or grow medium that it is in.The ph of the water that you may be feeding may be too high so ph the water b4 feeding.Also the plant may have built up a salt stucture that all plants get after it has been growing for a while.My suggestion would be give the plant some feed and see if that has a beneficial effect on it.


Well-Known Member
Little Tommy is correct, General Hydroponics put out great products. They're what I use as well in my hydro system.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The price of the nutrients corresponds with the volume of the container. Look at how concentrated they are. It is not like you need a 5 liter container of nutes to start out. Buy small containers until you find one that you like.