My planties


Active Member
hey im new here but i have 3 full grown females outside witch i gave a special miracle growth n only need to feed it once a year but what i want to no is that there in pots and the roots have busted out of the bottem and the roots have grown into the ground is that bad ?. all 6 foot tall n 3 fwide
ill post sum pics latr


Well-Known Member
I think it's only bad if you try to move the pot and mess up all the certainly would have been better to put em in a bigger pot to begin with though. What do you mean "feed it once a year"? That would seem to indicate that they've been around for multiple years...which makes no damn sense.


Active Member
they have already flowered already once last year. trust me sum real expensive shit. but they are in such big pots already
i just guess i wont be moving them


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is a perennial now? Interesting.

What you're saying is probably you just cut the bud off instead of cutting the whole thing down...but how would it re-veg naturally? That seems like something you could pull off indoors where you control the light scheme, but not outdoors. I'm skeptical...


Well-Known Member
i had one of my friends say he did this a few years ago, he said he cut off all the buds and left the plant and it stayed alive till next harvest, i thought he was talking shit!

anyone else heard bout this?


Well-Known Member
No it does seem totally plausible, if the light cycles worked out. But it's much easier to force the light cycles to work indoors...


Active Member
Every year i take my nicest ladies from outside and chop everything but a few buds. I put them back in the grow room along with my winter crop. Once they go back into veg. they start to grow shoots out where the hairs once were. Now i have plenty of clones for next year. i grow in swamps on my land with ten gallon bags and promix, so transporting them around is no problem.