My plant went hermi

smokey bacon

Active Member
Hello: All
Well FUCK!!!!!!!!!!
My SSH plant grew nans and have been picking them off very cearfully but watered her this evening and she is producing seeds shes at week 10 of flowering from switch to 12/12 got prob... another 4/5 weeks left.
Had a quick look at her and it dosent seem to be covered in seeds I have no interest in these. Will I pull all da seeds off her now and have a look for nans and pull them off as well.
Or will finish her off as all his pulling and picking might stress her even more??????
Anyone out there that can help me ?????

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Bro that's horrible to pick at it..
Its not going to do anything.
If anything its going to grow even more pollen sacs now.
Just let her grow man.
You fucked up. Stop forcing the poor guy/girl.


smokey bacon

Active Member
Thanks so much for da reply
I`ve been reading up on this and from da jist of it pick da nans off when ever u see them
Thats a reall dam shame she was doin so F***en well; need a few more grows under my belt I guess to get da experience I`m just gonna chop da girl tomorrow anyone got a better idea :-(:wall:


Well-Known Member
Are there any other girls in the room??

If so and you have fans running then you'll get seeds on them also if you seen seed forming on the SSH.
You can cut the nads off if you like, but leave the seeded buds, they won't X contaminate anything else, the seeds will be fem (with a hermi tendency maybe) and the bud around the seeds is great hash material. So go ahead and finish.

You can mist the he/she, because wet pollen can't move, and will become non-viable quickly.


Well-Known Member
One more thing you will need at least 4 full wks of growth after pollination to get viable seeds.


Well-Known Member
sympathy, it's a killer to have a hermie appear just when you can taste the seedless bud
i've plucked balls, it can be done, lot of work
plucking at the seeds is likely to damage the bud, a few seeds aren't disaster
a little spray of water will limit pollen damage, but not too much water to mold bud


Well-Known Member
It is damn near painful to have that happen though, and it always gets ya right there at the end... sort of like its rubbing your face in it or something..

smokey bacon

Active Member
No point.
Hes offline now.
He dont give a shit.
He just wants his real quick info.

Dont like negative waves MAN!!!!!!!!!

Was offline cause it`s late here and went off and got some ZZZZZZZZ`s man not to go and pick F***en seeds off

I VERY much appreciate the help I get from u guys and its not a case u help me and I F**K off

True im not online he whole time I try to share with some help also im not growin that long this is only my second grow

smokey bacon

Active Member
Will post some pics later to show u guys

Shes about 3 and half months now WATTSAVER there seems to be only one nug with da majority amount of seeds was gonna chop this one off??????

smokey bacon

Active Member
Sorry all:
Gonna get back to finish my ZZZZZZ`s will check in later; da lights come on later 5 in da eve here will put up some pics then


Well-Known Member

True im not online he whole time I try to share with some help also im not growin that long this is only my second grow
Dont feel bad man, it happens to all of us ( or most of us) I'm only in my 2nd year of growing and everything was going reasonably well until I had my first experience with Hermi's. I am rolling a perpetual grow and both my last plant and my next one coming due both hermi on me. Both were beautiful Herijuana strains, some of the strongest pot to come out of the ground, and I'm sick about it. I'll be damned though if I'll ever just scrap these plants, I need them both to keep the supply on hand. Both happened very late in flower too. I just moved them out of the flower tents and put them in their own room. For me, I put too much time and electricity into these things to just pitch them. I'm picking out the damned nanners with tweezers the best I can, and I made a fucking mess out of some of the buds, but I know the smoke will be ok and far better than the shit weed that goes around here.
My concern is not knowing why it happened. My growroom is light sealed and they werent stressed to badly either, so I dont know what caused it.

Make the best of it man, I'm an old time toker so I've cleaned a million seeds in my day, so it wont hurt to clean a few more.