My plant looks sick please help me


hi guys i have a problem with my first grow outdoors, my plant is about 2 1/2 Months old it is a photo plant not autoflower and i noticed shes starting to get different colors at the bottom leafs and i have no idea about how to identify this kind of deficiencies i have everything to fix this up i just dont know how :(

Im using BioBizz Grow, BioBizz Bloom and BioBizz FishMix....i also have a General Hydroponics Cal Mag Solution but i havent used it yet cause i dont know how :(
I feed my plant each watering (every 5-6 days) with 1ML of each product (i mix them all in water)
I use straight water and never had a problem till now, i also have ph kit with a ph tester
Im using 2 Gal pot
This is outdoors
I dont know what kind of soil is this since this was a gift from a friend

and this is my plant:

2012-11-08 20.49.40.jpg2012-11-08 20.49.52.jpg2012-11-08 20.50.10.jpg2012-11-08 20.50.50.jpg

one last question since this was a gift i dont even know what kind of plant is this, any of you know what kind of plant is this ? and how does it look so far



Well-Known Member
it looks indica. and id use some cal mag soon because it looks like that or k deficiency cant tell cause its jsut started but the brown leaves lean towards too little calmag

start off slow and eaze up to more on it. im not sure how strong it is


Well-Known Member
I agree with it needing nutes. Next time get some good soil and add some perlite to it. The pot only looks half full. Read up on here about soil mixes. It will make all the difference when growing. She doesn't look too bad though. Some nutes and your good to go. Good luck! And it looks like some sort of kush.


You guys are saying that it shows nute deficiencie....i do agree with that but this is my first time :( so can you help me with how much nutes should i give......i have biobizz grow, biobizz bloom, biobizz fishmix and a cal mag solution ( i havent used cal mag ) i use 1 ml of each every watering, is this good....if not please help me with one......thanks again ;)


Ursus marijanus
In how much water?
I have found that BioGrow and FishMix have the same basic stats (2-0.1-6.6), so for 100 ppm N in your feed I'd use 5 ml per liter until your plants green up a bit. Combine with 2.5 ml per liter Bloom for now. Then we can decide if it needs the unlisted macros: Ca, Mg, S. Jmo. cn


Active Member
I agree with everything CN said except not adding cal/mag as well. Cal/mag will help the plant absorb the other nutrients better, so imo it is a no brainer to add some. It is hungry as hell though according to those pictures.:weed:


Ursus marijanus
I agree with everything CN said except not adding cal/mag as well. Cal/mag will help the plant absorb the other nutrients better, so imo it is a no brainer to add some. It is hungry as hell though according to those pictures.:weed:
You've convinced me. ;) cn