My plant looks kinda weird


New Member

Hi this is my first grow...A friend who has a little bit of growing experience is helping me. Weird thing is this looks like 2 plants there was only 1 seed. Also my friend said it doesn't really look like marijuana & I've since looked at some other photos of plants at a similar stage and he's kinda right it looks very unique at least to me..He also said his roommate who used to work growing in CA never really say anything like this either.

What gives? It's growing wicked fast now and looks healthy, it just looks different. I also do not know yet the sex of the plant, but it is good growing practice nonetheless!



New Member
Huh weird I wonder wtf he gave me...the seeds looked like this (buncha bag seeds) and he said they were old, but they were mj seeds. Maybe he's smoking a bit too much himself. Question is wtf are they if not weed? 2014-02-17 01.21.34.jpg

Here is my setup..yes it is a solarstorm


New Member
Haha if this isn't weed this will be a running joke for a long time. ..such a dumbass lolz I still haven't the slightest idea what it is though :-P
That is definitely not weed, but I would keep growing it just to see what it is. It reminds me of some spinach that I grew for my food garden though.


Well-Known Member
Lmao that looks like some garlic to me or onion I think lmao...omg this thread is going to be epic....but really ..... Name That Plant. Lolz