my plant is yellowing in the middle. what nutrient defiecency is it?


we dont have a phosphorus fert, we have a 6-9-9 fert though it has phosphate, nitrogen,potash. and i dont really know, i found it outside and it had already started flowering but weve had it for a month give or take alittle. the buds hair is now reddish orange and little leaves are growing from it.


Active Member
to me it looks more of a P&K deficiency rather something else , maybe u were a bit spartan on the food ?


p&k deficiency? yeah weve given it some food and the yellowing isnt getting worse and alot of the leaves are getting better, but im still being wary, how often should i feed them?


Active Member
so the whole story goes : plant wasnt doing it well so we fed it a bit and seems its better now ?

so dont feed more or less than what u did, what does tha package of the fert says about feeding ?