My plant is wilting and I don’t know what’s wrong


New Member
623AA60A-EF66-44FF-BEEE-15679D31E143.jpeg1C2418C8-1029-4DDF-A2E8-3A7C4F26AEDA.jpeg1F72E682-61D8-4084-9BD4-4CB8617344EA.jpegI’m a beginner grower and I’ve done my research about how to grow a plant of my own. Recently, my plant started showing signs of slight wilting, but now it looks like almost all my leaves are wilting. I’ve been reading articles after articles on what might be wrong with my plant. I’ve kept the soil moist, room temperature and humidity at the right levels, and I have their light about 2 feet from the pot. I’m not sure what exactly I’m doing wrong. Most articles I read only state that it’s either overwatering or underwatering. Is it not getting enough light? or is it stressed from too much light? I need some help figuring this out.