My Plant Is WAY Too Big! HELP


Active Member
What can I do? My plant won't stop growing!

I started from seed, vegged for only 20 days, now flowering for 2 weeks. Under CFL's, keeping the light very close to the top of the plant but every day I have to keep raising the lights.

The plant is now 3 feet tall and there is no way my CFL's are going to be able to do any good with a 3 foot tall plant. How do I keep my plants from growing so tall? I would rather grow 3 smaller plants than one huge one.

The picture below is the plant Im talking about.

Also, it would be great if someone could give me their estimate of how many ounces they think I can get off this plant when all is said and done. Im using 7 26w CFL's on it. I have no clue how much bud to expect from it.




Well-Known Member
Sweet looking plant man. Are you using nutes? If so, that's definitely making the plant grow more. But plants grow quite a bit during flower as the buds develop. However, the plant eventually stops growing and focuses on bud production. I'm betting your plant will slow growing as you get further into the bud stage.

From what I hear on this board, people are getting around an ounce per plant, but yours looks bigger than average, so maybe an ounce and a half to 2? Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Im using soil with no nutes, but I was feeding it Miracle Grow general purpose and when I started flowering I started feeding it Miracle Grow bloom formula.

An ounce and a half huh? Sounds decent I guess. Thanks


Active Member
What can I do? My plant won't stop growing!

I started from seed, vegged for only 20 days, now flowering for 2 weeks. Under CFL's, keeping the light very close to the top of the plant but every day I have to keep raising the lights.

The plant is now 3 feet tall and there is no way my CFL's are going to be able to do any good with a 3 foot tall plant. How do I keep my plants from growing so tall? I would rather grow 3 smaller plants than one huge one.

The picture below is the plant Im talking about.

Also, it would be great if someone could give me their estimate of how many ounces they think I can get off this plant when all is said and done. Im using 7 26w CFL's on it. I have no clue how much bud to expect from it.


Active Member
I figured I would give a little update on this plant. She now measures a whopping 4ft 1in tall. I have her under 6 23w CFL's now.

She finially seems to be slowing down in vertical growth and the buds are starting to plump up.

I would still really like someone to give me some estimates as to how much dry weight they think I will get off of this plant and about how much longer I should have to keep her in 12/12 before being able to cut this bitch down! Thanks...

Jan 12 (Day 1)- Begin germination

Jan 16 (Day 4)- Seed sprouts and planted

Jan 19 (Day 7)-

Jan 21 (Day 9)-

Jan 28 (Day 16)-

Feb 1 (Day 20)-

Feb 2 (Day 21)-

Feb 3 (Day 22)-

Feb 8 (Day 27)-

Feb 10 (Day 29)- First day 12/12

Feb 14 (Day 33/Day 4 flower)-

Feb 16 (Day 35/Day 6 flower)-

Feb 24 (Day 43/Day 14 flower)-

March 3 (Day 50/Day 21 flower)-

March 17 (Day 64/Day 34 flower)-



Active Member
very nice looking plant you got there papa. In regards to it keeping on growing, what is the strain's flowering period?? Rough estimations here but id say you got maybe another week or two before it completely slows. Will echoe highlanderz point, from the size of it atm, will be lookin at 1-2 Oz. Maybe more if it it gets any bigger :lol:


Active Member
i am no expert but I also tried 26w cfl's in a side closet away from my HPS flower room and found the plants growing vertically too much even with plants cloned form short stocky strains. strangely I didn't notice the same thing once i changed them to 45 w cfl's which kept the plants more true to type. I just think now that for flowering we shouldn't be using cfl's at all, they are too much of a pain and the results are not good enough... i love them for vegging though :)


Active Member
you should try positioning the CFLs around the side of the plant too, this will (in theory) restrict it's vertical growth, especially if there is less light on the top.


Well-Known Member
i say youll get an oz max.
i wish the best for you though! also make sure you feed it a proper bloom fert- remember less is more when your new to growing and using nutes.

nice plant btw :D

edit- 1 oz max if grow solely indoors with aprox 150W of cfl's . peace