My plant is can i get her happy?


So We have right now two plants under a 1000watt light (HPS). It gets a steady 20 hours of sunlight, water three times a day. It's in our basement right now.

So we've been growing them. the first plant (NOT PICTURED) is doing really good (afghani strain). While this one (purple) is sad. what could be the problem?

Thanks in advanced..

I'm certainly no expert (in the midst of my first grow) but perhaps watering 3 times a day is a bit much. I've had problems with overwatering myself and I was watering once a day. Also, that might be too much light of a non-ideal wavelength. I've heard that the MH is best for vegging will the HPS is great for flowering.

But as I said, take my advice for what it's worth... the words of a newbie! :-)


Well-Known Member
3 times a day?! overwatering. no doubt about it.
I agree its drooping like its overwatered. Most plants that have been flushed look similar to this. you need to let the soil dry out more do the lift method or get a moisture meter for about 7 dollars . Maybe stick a finger in the top of the soil and if it feels damp up to your knuckle no water if its dry up to that knuckle then give some water. But 3 times a day on a plant that small seems a bit much unless your feeding it only drops of water lol.


Well-Known Member
the hps is fine for veg, just make sure it isnt to close to the plants or it will heat stress/burn them