My plant is out of control


Active Member
IMG_0210.JPG IMG_0212.JPG What do I do? Won't leaving all these tops on mess with yield? If so what do I do? Been in flowering for 10 days. Grew like 10x it's size in like 10 days


Well-Known Member
I would start by being happy. LOL the more the merrier man.

And this is called a stretch which happens when you switch over to 12/12. every strain has it own degree of stretching. on average most plants with grow to double what they were when you put them in to flower. Their metabolism goes into over drive.
Now the worse thing you could do, that would effect yield, is to do any topping while in flower. It is best to plan for the stretch to ensure you will have enough room if that strain decides to be a big one and has a massive stretch. if need be, tie the branches down if you don't have the head room.

also, depending on your grow room setup and stain, it doesn't hurt to lollypop them if the lower portion does not receive any direct light. that will help keep the plant to directing it resources to the tops that are getting all the light. the lower branches in the dark only produce popcorn buds. Although they are useful for hash or shatter, they have very little bag appeal and its not worth selling. From the looks of things you have a very short little plant so i don't think you will have to worry about that, just some food for thought later on if you ever decide to step it up and add more lights, plants etc..

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
this is too funny! Well done mate, how tall is that plant? What size light? You might want to trim the bottoms but do not worry about the tops, that's pretty much exactly how u want it. What strain is it?


Well-Known Member
Man. I wish my plant was that developed. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. Don't take anything off the top.
Do what the others are saying. Just remove the shaded leaves if need be.
Nice lower canopy fan. That'll help deter mold.


Active Member
this is too funny! Well done mate, how tall is that plant? What size light? You might want to trim the bottoms but do not worry about the tops, that's pretty much exactly how u want it. What strain is it?
10 inches from dirt to top of highest top. Blackjack nirvana. 400w Gonna be hooking the 1000w lamp up next week. It's about a 5ft tall ceiling. Half finished basement
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Blue brother

Well-Known Member
fucking crack on mate, I wouldn't change or trim anything maybe cover the dirt with something to block out the light. That thowie is gonna penetrate deep, with a thowie you get about 3 feet from the bulb of very good light, try and keep as much of the plant within that 3 foot as possible without stressing the plant though cos a light stressed plant can take a while to recover.


Well-Known Member
get some perlite on that dirt

and get them a bit taller before you bush them out

I like "plant elixir steroids" by evoponic for making them tall as a booster with a cal/mg or veg feed

or I use seaweed juice with some triacontanol when I want them to bush out and sex up

works the same in flowering too elixir (think its ga3 based) makes for more stretch and longer buds

tria/seaweed makes for more aggressive side growth and fatter buds more fresh white hairs

but she`s looking good man :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I noticed a few post that have info that are debatable. one is with shade leave and removing them. I have done both and cant really say I noticed a difference either way. It is best to wait till half way through flowering to when they are not needed. However, when you think of it in terms of production, the plant dedicated resources to produce those leaves and if left on it will slowly consume them esp during a flush, which I would recommended when doing hydro, if using Soil I always used full organic meaning not using concentrates. I wont debate the topic of leaving the fan leaves or taking them, I will suggest leaving the first go around then trying it without from there on and see which you prefer. I just leave them or grow strains that produce very little amount of fan leaves. Now when it comes to seaweed or seaweed based products, I used them a great deal years ago and noticed that they are great all through veg, however, in flower they tend to cause the buds to lack in density and made them stretch out giving a larger appearance until you go to dry and they shrivel down so much you think some evaporated. I have since then, came upon an article discussing the effects of the different auxin's and the draw backs to using them in flower that has given credence to my personal past experiences. I would suggest avoiding the use of Seaweed during the flowering stage. They work great early on with root development and provide vitamins and all, just the plant hormones seem to negatively effect the flowering hormone causing so effects that are not so pleasant. if you don't agree, that's fine but I would invite you to try it out because the difference has always been night and day.

Furthermore, I have noticed that sometimes saying things contrary to what others think can cause hurt feelings and start arguments. I am not here to argue, I simply enjoy helping others with what experiences I have had during my own journey in the world of growing and I will agree to disagree and encourage all to discover for themselves what works for them. I would also invite someone to look up the article, I don't think it would be hard, my time is short and I would rather spend it helping rather than researching.