my plant is like 3-5 weeks old and is starting to grow white long hairs


Active Member
umm im pretty sure 16/8 or 17/7 one of those but umm yea my very first two pot leaves are turning yellow is that cause of over watering?


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem with my plant. It sexed waaay to early. But at least you know its a female if it has white hairs. Some strains just sex early. I wouldn't worry I kept vegging for an additional 3 weeks after i first realized it was sexing so early.

Now its 2 weeks into flower and its dank so far I have some pics on my gallery. If the leaves are yellowing it could be a pH problem or a nitrogen difficiency. My leaves were yellowing about 2 weeks after it started to sex and I added nitrogen to the soil and it recovered. Hope this helps. Try and get some pics up.