My plant is dying PLEASE HELP


Active Member
I recently took two clones off a mother plant that was two feet tall. I went a little scissor happy and cut some half way dying leaves off the mother which is in soil in a 5 gallon pot. Everything is under one light in my closet (obviously not the ideal set up). To increase the humidity for the clones I started spraying the whole closet, I turned the fan off for a week or so because I saw clones don't need the wind when they're so fragile, later turned the fan back on realizing in actually increased the humidity and gave the mother the airflow she needed. The clones are healthy but the mother is pretty much dead. I'm adding some superthrive to see if it will come back but I what else should I do? In the future my clones won't be in the same area so hopefully I won't have this problem again but I want to know WHAT ARE THE MAIN REASONS IT IS DYING AND HOW CAN IT BE SAVED if at all? Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
Like most people I don't believe in putting mother plants and clones together because they need different enviromental needs.


New Member
You might be going to crazy with the scissors, and why are you not using a scalpel razor etc, fucking scissors, youl be chewing that poor mother up, and when you do chop give it some time to get over her wounds, here is a little dutch tip for you, when you cut off a branch to make a clone rap a little string around the wound on the mother plant and give it a little spray with water or stuff called formulex, might seem funny but its like a little cool plaster on a wound she will thank you for it trust me.