My plant is bent

This is about the fifth plant I've tried growing. And they bend and die. I don't want this to happen again. the other four I had in a grow room but this one I decided to grow outside. How do I strengthen the stem?


Well-Known Member
You need some air circulation on it. Have a fan blowing lightly on or around the plant.

Also, if they are growing too tall early, it means you need more light.


or simply that your light is way to high... idk how old they are but you can plant them up alittle deeper when you transplant... or just move the light closer and wait, they will stand up.. they usually do


Forgot it was outside, id move it inside for abit personally till it atleast stands up on its own... small cfl a inch or two away


Active Member
Hun-- try reading up a bit ahead of growing... there are some links below to some stuff that may help...
But we need to know what you are actually doing!
How do you sprout them?
In What?
Do you feed them?
How long do they live?
If outdoors- where? (Shaded/full sun etc...)
These things help us to help you! ;)

Outdoor Growing Basics:
Growers Terms and methods 101

Basic Growing Guide:
I have the plant out side ( like I said), I have read up on it and have been getting advice from experienced growers...the plant is 3 weeks old, and about 6 inches tall...if I knew how to post a pic I would. I water it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at dusk. It is in partial sun I didn't want it to burn.


Active Member
6 inches stretch sounds more like your problem. Babies stretch for light and can get quite lengthy if ya dont watch out!. If need be, xplant it deeper ,or top higher with your soil.


Active Member
cover up that stem with soil, as high up as you think. Shit bury it all the way and just let the leaves stick out.


Active Member
I have the plant out side ( like I said), I have read up on it and have been getting advice from experienced growers...the plant is 3 weeks old, and about 6 inches tall...if I knew how to post a pic I would. I water it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at dusk. It is in partial sun I didn't want it to burn.
Then-- if you have been getting advice from "experienced growers"... why are you still having problems, and why do you come ask US for help- then get snippy when we honestly try to help?

Ask your experts.


I have the plant out side ( like I said), I have read up on it and have been getting advice from experienced growers...the plant is 3 weeks old, and about 6 inches tall...if I knew how to post a pic I would. I water it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at dusk. It is in partial sun I didn't want it to burn.
You still need to provide more information. Is it growing in a container or in the ground? What is the soil consistency?

Another thing, the plant won't burn if it was started in full sun to begin with. It sounds like yours may not have as much light as it could use.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I have the plant out side ( like I said), I have read up on it and have been getting advice from experienced growers...the plant is 3 weeks old, and about 6 inches tall...if I knew how to post a pic I would. I water it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at dusk. It is in partial sun I didn't want it to burn.
people are only guessing without a pic....but based on the info provided (as brief as it may be) thoughts are:

watering twice a day?..... wow, your environment must be some hot to require watering twice a day

partial sun? wow, your environment must be some hot to require partial sun

anyhow, you could try using a stick to support your weak plants


Well-Known Member
Are you able to take a picture and get it onto the computer via your cell phone or a digital camera? If you can get that far, the rest is cake, just a few more buttons.


Well-Known Member
you are gonna run into problems with two plants in the mix.. id replant it deeper and asap. Specially since the Hurricane season is upon us. A good wind and that thing is gonna take flight.