my plant is 7 weeks old i think itshould be bigger plz tell me what u think

start over..U MAY be able to save this plant but when it looks like this ur not gonna be very satisfied....start off with fox farm ocean forrst soil...or any organic soil....STAY AWAY FROM MIRACLE GROW!! try to get a clone if an option. and make sure ur lights are 2-3 inches away... and just simply start over...
.i use ionic nutrients along with something called superthrive.... very good results and much cheaper than fox farm...there is a 3 step nute up and do research when u start over.......---from seed....get red solo cups... plant about 1in in soil..when it pops out of the soil keep the lights on a 24-0 schedule until its about 2 weeks old or about 6inches tall....then transplant into a 5gallon bucket if u have the growing room.. 2 weeks after you transplant start feeding stage one nutes until the plant is half of the size u want it to be...then switch to 12-12 and continue one to stages 2 and 3...just follow directions..