my plant has some strange disease


i have my plant about 1 month into growth and it started to develope some strange problems..first i put banana peels in the soil then a week later i put potato peels a whole bunch...than i change the soils and added nutes..the problem got worse than i flushed the soil...this is the end result.....some1 please help what is wrong with my plant and how can i fix it :confused::cry: and now my stoke is brownish..what is wrong!?!?!?1?!


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
i have my plant about 1 month into growth and it started to develope some strange problems..first i put banana peels in the soil then a week later i put potato peels a whole bunch...than i change the soils and added nutes..the problem got worse than i flushed the soil...this is the end result.....some1 please help what is wrong with my plant and how can i fix it :confused::cry: and now my stoke is brownish..what is wrong!?!?!?1?!
Looks like rot, from poor soil and over watering. You also can't put vegetable scrap in your soil until they've been composted.

I would start over with a new soil mix.


the plant is almost completely wilted and the stem is super soft.

i've tried flushing it and now its outside left to dry


Well-Known Member
yeah, definitely put that plant through some hell, if you want to grow soil, just start with a bag of fox farm ocean forest, and use their soil nutrient line. All n all you would spend about a 100 dollars on soil and nutes, but if you buy a light to grow under then thats another 100 to 300 dollars itself, growing isnt cheap if u want good quality, that plant is most likely a complete failure, i know it sucks to hear but thats apart of the bullshit that comes with growing


i didn't want to think like that but right now thats how it seems to be...its not looking good...well theirs a first time for everything....


but can som1 please tell me what is exactly wrong much water?..the raw fruits and vegetables....what really is wrong wtih it if you can find out...


Well-Known Member
You killed it, is what's wrong.

sounds like you overwatered it and then overwatered it some more. Soil doesn't look too good, either.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
but can som1 please tell me what is exactly wrong much water?..the raw fruits and vegetables....what really is wrong wtih it if you can find out...
MJ doesn't like being constantly moist. It's a weed not an african violet.

Raw fruits ans vegetables are not a growing medium, except for mold

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
you probaby severly damaged the roots wen u transplanted it shocked the shit out of it then you overwatered it there anwerd


does this mean i have to start allover from scratch..can i just wait it out until it comes back..the top stem is flimsy as hell and all the leaves have shrivled...


but the weird thing is..the leaves didnt start to shrivel until i put the potato skins on..before that was just a little yellowing...after the potato skins it got worse than i transplanted it ....

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
fucking aqua globes take another victim
hint for everyone:(dont use aqua globes they will either clog on sticking them in the dirt or they will just kill your plants