My plant had something fall on it will it be ok?

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
I just had a disaster come out of nowhere.... my whole cool tube light tore the shelf brackets right off the wall that were holding it up and gave me a frustrating wake up call as the whole thing fell right on top of one of my plants...
It bent the whole thing horizontally with the level of the soil, but when I took it off I could still stand it up straight and overall looks in tact.

I'm worried that it bending totally horizontally like that could have fucked up the roots a bit though. Do you think my plant will be ok?

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Well-Known Member
I'd say she'll be fine for sure if she didn't snap. Even if she did snap and remained connected she'll likely be fine. If I were you I would move some soil from around the base and inspect it. If she snapped, just tape it up and prop it up, and she'll likely be just fine.

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Whew! I'll check it out. Thanks! Lol I don't think I could have possibly cussed out an innaminate object more than I just did that grow light.

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