My plan. First grow any tips?


first off this is my first post. im 18. live in eastern canada. started smoking weed at 13. started smoking weed every day and selling when i was 16 and developed a pretty by buisinnes so i always considered gorwing. now im gonna be a father in 6 months so i decided i need to grow this summer for sure so i can have some more cash flow for the kid. i devleoped in insterest in how to grow when i was 14 when i found my dads little garden haha. ever since then ive been researching how to grow pot and all the tips and trick on how to increase yields on the plants.

i already got 80 feminized seeds off of the internet. i got 70 more coming soon. so 150 in total. all of the strains are said to be good for beginners, have high yeilds, short flowering periods (8-9weeks) and high resistence to mildew and pests and what not. all strains are indica dominant and are suitable for eastern canada climate. heres the strains.
-early skunk
-thc bomb
-lemon skunk
-big bomb

me and one friend are in on this. we got 10 different spots picked out. so 15 plants per spot. at one of the spot we are building an insluladed 10foot X 15foot insulated cabin. we are buying a 600 watt MH light, a generator, a couple heaters, vents and fans, a carbattery and a portable water pump which will run off the car battery. all of the spots have rivers or strems near by. i tested the phs and some are not okay, but i will just mix it in plastic garbage bins with ph up or down to get it around 7.

I know that fully matured outdoor ogranic pot is pretty much the best around, so thats what were gorwing. were using subcools soil recipe. it has like 12 different ingreidents and is kind of expensive to make but is cheaper in the long run then using powdered nutes. we are mixing the soil at the sites in may so the lime and nutes will have a chance to break down and be ready for the plants in june. we are burrying 15 gallong garbage bags and filling them with 10 gallons of soil so the roots will have pleanty of room to grow so plants can be massive. we are ripping slots in the bottom for drainage and poking holes in the sides for airation. so we will need 75 gallons of subcools soil recipe and 75 gallons of organic soil becuas its a 50-50 mixture. its gonna be alot of work but it gonna be a great harvest!

we are starting the plants in the cabin in may. we will be growing them in small pots or 2 litle pop bottles, whatever we can find. we will just use organic potting soil for now. the saem we will be using in the recipie. we will be keeping them in there until june when the weather is really nice. my this time the cabin should be pretty corwded haha. the plants should be a decent size and be matured enough to take on the outdoors. then were moving them to their grow sites and the garbage bags will be ready, buried in the ground and filled with soil. the good thing about this soil is all yolu have to do is water. you never have to add nutes or worry about ph level. just make sure your water ph is around 7 and your good to go.

i am going to top my plants every 3 weeks after a week of putting it outside until flowering. 3 weeks should give it lots of time to rehibilitate and i should have a massive amount of tops by then end.

we have lots of money for pesticides but we dont plan on actually using any on the plants. just on the ground and sounding areas to keep bugs and slugs away. we are setting up perimiters fish pole string at different levels to keep deer and other animals out. also buying lady bugs for aphids and spider mites. evey time it rains during flowering we are going to go and shake all of the plants off to prevent mold growth.

the plants will be about 3 and a half months old when they stop vegging in mid july. they should be pretty big by this time. i wont worry about taking out the males for flowering beacuse i got feminized seeds. now the flowering stage will begin. i wont even have to bother flushing out the plants bause i never used powdered nutes. i will harvest at the end of the first week of october so i can get them out of there beore hunting season. we will cut down the plants and take them to the shack for drying. then we will trim it all at the shack, get it out of there and take it to my place for the curing process. the best thing about it being orgainc is it will taste way better and burn slower.

so at the end of it the plants will be 5 months and one week old. all strains are high yielding, big bang and thc bomb are supposubly like 2 pounds but i doubt ill get that. i am providing all of the idead conditions i can control so i weather pans out i think i should be yielding around 7 ozs per plant average. so 7oz X 150 plants = 1050 oz. 16 oz in a pound so 65.63 pounds.. thats alot of dope. so we will each walk off with around 32 pounds. that will be my free smoke and about 80000$ to get me through the year..

so what do you think of the plan? any thoughts or input would be great. i put lots of thought into it and definatly put my time into research and i think me and my friend can pull it off. im gonna try and keep a grow journal with pics you guys might find it interesting. sorry if i rambleled on to much im really stoned haha..

hi kylor, it would appear you have mis-typed your age. As im sure you know of our strictly enforced over 18 policy. please correct that mistake before it gets you banned. you seem like a good guy and have thought about this a fair amount. Good choice on the supersoil.
Way to go big man.... I doubt your age was a mistype, so even more props to you. Best of luck mate sounds like you got everything planned out. Just be prepared for some failed plants. Not all seeds grow and shit happens :)
only advice is read up and dnt get caught, and u can easily get that yield outdoors, to me planting some seeds in spring and coming out with that profit is as close to living the dream as u can get, and be weary of feminized, although a good breeder has a lower chance of their seeds being hermie, all feminized seeds have a chance of being herm, so check for balls!!
so anyone see any flaws of have sugustions for this plan? any reviews or thoughts on the using subcools soil? any feed back it great. thanks!
i cant wait till i start this and get them in the ground so i can take some nice pics for everyone to enjoy.

you are telling us about a 150 plant grow?
don't do it. that's my opinion. you don't think like a crook, and what you are talking about is a crime.
someone is pinging your IP as we speak, to get a line on you, to find you, follow you, and steal your crop.
that's how you must think. so i hear. i forget who told me that. ;)
You should be paranoid as fuck and not on this site telling the world of your idea. If you and I can read this stuff so can every1 else including the 5-0 and don't you think they don't track IP addresses because any1 can have an 'IP' Tracker. lol That is my only input.
be ready,and always think that there coming tomorrow. cause thats how fast shit can happen.and ya wont have no idea

"shit doesnt happen its useally caused by arseholes"

if this is your first grow?stlye/strain/etc.
just at first glance all sounds very wonderful and a glourious amount of that i bet we all wished we had.but i would have to say you`ll push 7os should take your best total and half it then half it again ,then at the end it always fells better cause you actually gettn more Os on average?

unless youre dialed those strains and everything is perfect for each plant.if there big enough youll get Lbs

stay safe and PEACE
Anyone think I could possibly get more then 7oz from these high yielding strains while growing in the super soil? Keep in mind they will be a little bit older then 5 months old and I'm gonna top them a good amount of times and growing in 10 gallon bags.
bags are first mistake. Just dig the holes and fill the bottom to the specified amount. If the roots want they can continue on out into natural soil equaling bigger plants. a container limiting the size of the roots limits the size of the plant. Good luck 150plants your first time is a ungodly amount. hope you dont have a job or go to school