You can shoot more than 1 a season in Mich.? You are limited to 1 where I'm at. Game commision fines are heavy...even though there's too fucking many deer. Saw 22 on my small 1.5 acres yesterday. They tear up the property too...
Yes they do tear things up.
Yes we do allow more then one Lic. available too
A combo lic. is for bow and gun and it's for 1 of any sex (in bow season) and 1 buck of more then 4 or more tines per side OR if no Doe taken in bow, 1 of any size buck and 1 of over 4 per side. Good for all of gun if none taken in bow.
Regular gun lic. = 1 buck, any size.
Doe - Public land = must apply for the permit 5.00 and If you get one = 20.00 more
Doe - private land = Must have landowner permission to hunt and the tax stamp # of the land to buy. For certain area's. You may purchase 1 a day and I think there is a limit on those but not sure...because - - -(NOPE! the only limit is till they run out say's son #2 this year)
I have Lic. # 4 - Farm owner nuisance damage permit = take as many as you want any time of year. Must have 100 or more continuous acre's of in use farmland and show damage cause (They beat the fence's down and reduce harvest's. Some veggie crops are REALLY badly hurt if you run them...) You are given possession tags and if you need more, you contact the DNR for them as needed.
We DO have a problem with deer damage across the board on most ground crops we run....It can be bad in the spring on early leafy crops.......I do not tend to go over the permits given.....My son's actually buy fall landowner Doe tag's in hunters leasing the stands names and we lease out stands over the leaf crop fields.....Lease owners have all filled their tag's and we have 3 doe's left (They have to buy their own Buck tag's if that's what they want.)
Puts good natural and clean meat on the table.....Hell dude, my oldest didn't have a beef steak served to him until he was almost 5 (by Buska and Busha - Gramp and Gram) and he said "I don't like it. It tastes funny." Now at 19. If it's edible. It's GONE! (and keep your fingers away from his plate)
If you would like to reserve a stand.....PM me and I'll give you contact info for my son's (they run that business)..
time for me to get back out there...