My Photogenic Baby - bud pr0n


Active Member
(edit: pic is messed up. see a few posts down, I attached a decent pic to my post /edit)

So check me out. ;-)

N00bile grower in AZ, outside, in dirt. Temps are high here, and I'm flying by the seat of my pants.

Have a few plants going, put one into 12/12 15 days ago, she lifted her skirt for me 7 days ago and has been getting lots of sun (and a bit much heat). I knew she was doing well, but I didn't realize she was doing that well until I took a few pics. Ain't she purdy? My first.

(the preview is coming in f8ck*ed up for me, hoping the image is a-ok when it posts. if not, the pr0n shot is at
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Active Member
What strain? Ice.

I really can't believe my luck. Not bad for a first grow. I owe a debt of gratitude to many of you on rollitup. Couldn't have done it without you.

But don't let me get ahead of myself. I've still got many weeks ahead until I can pop the champagne. This is only early in the second week of flowering.
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