Well-Known Member
Wow very nice growing. im deciding right now what to do 4 plants train and top them till i have 8 tops, then double them while waiting for flowering or 9 plants with 4 tops and doubling. after this ill buy tent and expand to bigger ones and use my old space just for veg and training and clones. You really got me thinking again that i want to go smaller the first time around so all my eggs are in more baskets so to say. and i can experiment on 2 of the 9 to see diff results also. still have time have to sex my plants with clones first only females may apply.
Hey, thank you very much man!...and heck yeah man, sounds good...get it goin!
man that's really frosty my man. looks awesome. always like checking in on your grows. you take good care of your plants.
Hey brother! Great seeing you stop by the thread! Been a while since I have chatted with you, my brother....I hope all is well, have a kick ass day!
Really nice grow! I enjoyed reading through your thread. Awesome job
Thanks, TwistedEnitities, I put a lot of daily time and energy into being a good organic "father" to them...daily research, and daily manipulation.
I love muh babies!

Thanks brother...and thanks for stopping by!looking nice man
(Harvest in roughly a week!)