My Patient's husband needs help quickly!


Well-Known Member
My aunt isn't my patient yet because she is too busy with many issues right now to get authorized yet, but here is the biggest obstacle between her and the medicinal cannabis she needs.

My uncle has been out of work long enough now that he may be forced to move to Whales with his wife so they can live with her family and hopefully find him some work. He is very skilled with car engines (he worked around the docks in Seattle for Nissan for over 20 years) and has lots of experience working on... T-51 Chinook Helicopter turbine engines (from over 20 years working with the Tide/Pringles&Jiffy/Lumar/BeaconPlumbing Unlimited Hydro Boat team), and can be considered a handyman of many trades. He has been working hard to find another job, taking advantage of all the big job finding websites with no luck. For this he suspects his mid 50s age is the problem, even though he is still physically capable of any work hes ever done. *** Oh yeah, he is also a Vietnam veteran (don't hold it against him please).

He really needs a job so he can afford health care for his wife who has been very sick for years now. Shes suffered from breast cancer, bone cancer, blood cancer, a serious jaw infection from some of her many cancer pills (shes now included in a big lawsuit over this), recently broke both her legs, and she is in a poor/weak state almost all the time.

So if anyone can think of anyone they know that might be able to help him get a decent full time job (preferably 15 bucks an hour or more to support them and her medical bills (but even 12 could do it we think)) somewhere in Western Washington that would be awesome!