My outdoor legal grow 2010!!!! Check out!!!!

Nice Grow Dude!!!fuken trees..What are the dimensions of those plant beds? and are those 2x8 boards you built it with?
the flower beds are 4'x4'x16"deep. i roto tilled and mixed bag soil a foot into the ground. then filled the raised beds with bag soil (sunshine mix #80). the cheeper but still strong way of doing the raised beds i found was to buy 1/2 inch 4x8 sheets of ply and riping them to 4'x16" sides. plus i staked them inside.... simple nutrient plan of Botanicare's "PRO GROW" AND "LIQUID KARMA" AND "SILICA BLAST" for vegetation growth....
lovin the bush, lookin almost as tall as mine is at the moment, but looks like alot more shoots comin of it, lucky bitch. strain?
Nice man, you're a good farmer :)... my trees are obout 2,5 meters tall but not so large like your bushes... what sort do you have or how do you make them so bushy...
well they are a mix of different strains. goo, swiss cheese, lemon skunk. i started them pretty early in the year (indoors). so they have had a while to get big and bushy! this year i have seed plants. i vegged then flowered to get there sex, then threw away the males and re-vegged the females. i lost a few in the process because this is kinda hard to do! what i did notice is some got very bushy because of the re-vegging....thanx for all the comments people!!
im gonna stay with botanicare through the hole process. so in flowering stage i will use PRO BLOOM, LIQUID KARMA, AND HYDROPLEX.... I used floresesnts indoors to veg and flower then re-veg but i do not recommend it!!! the plants become all lengthy like because they are trying to find light. this next year i will use 600w MH. now if you try to do what i did and sex your seedlings and then re-veg i would veg from seed for a solid 6 weeks, then flower for 2 to 2 1/2 weeks but dont feed them any flowering nuts, just feed with water the whole time! then when you throw out your males put those females back into like 20 on and 4 off. thats so they go back into veg as soon as possible!! they will take a good month to fully go back into veg!! like i said it's hard to do and some strians do not like it at all!!!!! next year im just gonna make mothers and take clones from her!
I use the same nutrient regiment as you... but be careful if your using RO water and Botanicare your plants will seriously lack on Calmag unless of course you mixed Dolomite lime into your soil. Either way +rep way cool looking garden.
Nice plants, mine are all started from seed as well. No lights, just MOTHER Nature... I start my seeds during the last week of Feb, once they crack open it's placed outside in greenhouse (1 gallon pots) We had a pool put in this spring, started in Feb and I didn't get my seeds started and greenhouse going till after construction was almost finished.
My seeds are just regular seeds, don't put into box until they sex, about 5 to 7 weeks after germination. In a normal year I'm all thru with planting by the end of April, this year was more like the first of June so I lost 6 weeks of vegging. Built new boxes this year, 6 foot by 6 foot and 20 inches deep, plus we till the soil down another 10 to 12 inches. Hope this helps?
im thinking of doin a lemon skunk grow next year, how would you rate the growth rate in vege and flowering? also is reveging the only way to do a plant like that unless you live in austrailia or somewhere like that :)
ok well lemon skunk is more of an indoor strain i think. it's an "ok" grow for outdoor but keep in mind it hasnt flowered yet and i dont know how the yield/bud will be quite yet! re-veging is not the only way to grow big plants like mine but when you do seedings even if they are fem seeds i like to make sure they are females because you would waste alot of dirt, nutrients and time to grow a big ass male plant!!!! in california we have a good hot summer from june 1 all the way through september! i started mine indoors in march! so i had them about 3 feet tall when i put them outside in late may! so they have a long season! what about 6 months of veg! harvest will be sometime in October!!
hey dont cheek my plants are gonna finish in october and they are goin purple coz im in wales not california. whats your adress im moving in next to you :) yeah i was thinkin of lemon skunk but its realy been on my mind to do strawbery cough and himalaya gold and if i go to amsterdam on my birth day then i can go to the greenhouse seed co and buy the seeds from there shop :) yeah i know its quite easy to get a masive bush if you live in austraila or somwhere where its got a winter that is like perfect conditions for either sustaining veg until next year witch ive seen peple do or just plant realy early, my bush at the moment was put outside when she was about a month old and i think it was late april, still im learnin next year is gonna be alot bigger and better i hope, any big ideas for next year? also make sure you get loads of good pictures of the lemon skunk when she flowers and finishes, wanna know if i wat to try it or not