My Outdoor Garden-2010

I saw the pics and left a reply. This is how my plants are looking today : )

If you haven't read this thread, you might find it useful to do so. I've included a LOT of my methods and preferences, along with pictures of my cat, Fuzzy.

I like using as wide a variety of nutes and micronutes as I can find, inexpensively.

I use both synthetic and organic nutes. I never use chemical insecticides, preferring organic methods, like beneficial insects.

A lot of people swear by pricey nutrient mixes. I've tried a lot of them, but didn't see any real improvement in yield..

Two things I use that showed marked increases in growth rate and yield are volcanic ash and products from Cytozyme Labs.

The ash provides many rare elements, while the Cytozyme products encourage bacterial activity.
I saw the pics and left a reply. This is how my plants are looking today : )


Nice looking plants!

Treat them well, and they will repay you with a stony Winter!

I have a couple hundred pix to edit. I'll be posting them, either today or tomorrow.

Thanksfor looking in, y'all!
Were can i get the volcanich ash? Looked on google did not really see were i could buy it. Thanks

That's a good question. I had a friend who lived near Mt. St. Helens, 30+ years ago. He saved me a five gallon bucket full. More recently I met a guy who had a large quantity of a product called "OreGro" which is clay, mined from a seam of clay, beneath huge layers of volcanic ash, laid down when Crater Lake was still active. OreGro is no longer available, commercially.

Keep looking! I'm pretty sure someone is still selling ash.
Thanks guys!

Yeah, I can't resist a question.

I've been around, posting infrequently to the Legalization threads.

Not being able to post and view pix really takes the fun out of this place.

I've started a thread for this season in Outdoor Growing.
I hope ya don't mind veggiegardener if I do alittle looking around at your grow? I just started posting at this site myself and kind of wanna see whats up. I see so pretty Sativas going in your photo's. I love O/S grows, plants can be all they can be. I see you are in central Cali. I lived atop Altamont Pass back years ago and grew some great herbs. I had a perect stop till. Well people use to dime on ya back then. Thats what happened to me. But you have the best weather there is. I'm in Oregon and we get wet cold falls here. 8-9 week flowering time are unacepable here. Has to be 6-7 weeks or Powdery Mildew kills ya. Bud Rot too. I never had that problem back there with any of my grows. Well I think I need to scroll back afew pages and catch up on what ya have going lately. Your journal is atad to long to catch all the way up. Thanks and Keepem Green
I hope ya don't mind veggiegardener if I do alittle looking around at your grow? I just started posting at this site myself and kind of wanna see whats up. I see so pretty Sativas going in your photo's. I love O/S grows, plants can be all they can be. I see you are in central Cali. I lived atop Altamont Pass back years ago and grew some great herbs. I had a perect stop till. Well people use to dime on ya back then. Thats what happened to me. But you have the best weather there is. I'm in Oregon and we get wet cold falls here. 8-9 week flowering time are unacepable here. Has to be 6-7 weeks or Powdery Mildew kills ya. Bud Rot too. I never had that problem back there with any of my grows. Well I think I need to scroll back afew pages and catch up on what ya have going lately. Your journal is atad to long to catch all the way up. Thanks and Keepem Green

Thanks for stopping by. In another incarnation, we lived in Hood River. Early 70's when pot was nearly legal in Oregon. Discovered the wonders of home grown sinsimilla .