My Official Closet Grow Journal

Hey guys this is going to be my official grow journal for my closet grow i will post my videos from youtube on here as my plants grow etc so here are the first two episodes, these are reggie seeds so I'm not sure how the turn out will be with these plants but yeah check it out

Recently I upgraded my lights to a 150 watt 16,000 lumen grow light fixture i got it from my hydroponics store for around $90 they said its the best for that price here is a pic of it and the height I'm keeping it at i also have a box fan still blowing on the plants to keep the stems nice and strong :)



Here is episode 2: [video=youtube;-XKo9meF5t8][/video]

Also i got home today one of the leaves on one of the plants is starting to droop what could be the cause of this? and i have been giving them about 2 caps full of water with about a 1/4 of a teaspoon of nutrients in a gallon of water but i kinda feel like I'm under watering them should i be adding more than that i feel like that might be a cause of that leaf drooping but idk what do you guys think? here are some pics

