My Nigerian Sativa Grow! (First Grow)


Well-Known Member
stop feeding them. IMO don't feed them again until they start to get yellow leaves at the bottom. the time release nutes are a bitch to work with so when you transplant again, i would steer clear of them. it's very hard to gauge what you need if you are using time release ferts. they do look really good ('cept the burn) and big for how old they are.


Well-Known Member
the bottom row of leaves are yellow. but te new growth is fine except for that little bit of burn. you dont think i need to flush do you?


New Member
just stop feeding for awhile, only use water, dont trim anything

always better to underfeed then overfeed as underfeeding is easily fixed


Well-Known Member
that was my plan after you guys told me i was over feeding, i didnt even realize it as i thought i was being quite conservative in the way i fed my plants. as i said under half strength, and every other water, maybe its the time release nitrogen that pushes it over the edge?


New Member
yea its too much nitrogen...u can either transplant or heres what ive done growing marijuana in that stuff: Wait till the plant show nitrogen defeciency before you start feeding again, this is indicated by an overall pale or yellow look of the plant, it is fixed quickly and easily with one feeding...from that point on feed normally but you might wanna cut down to 1/4 dose..marijuana grown in soil needs very little if any nutrients to begin with so think super Conservative when your using soil from now on unless you have a soilless medium thats different. With SOIL I am often able to grow happy healthy plants if they are put into flower within the first 6 weeks by using only molasses and water the entire grow. My soil is a bit more rich then ordinary as I add a lot of amendments and start with fox farm ocean forest as a base but still just remember the plant will pull nutrients from any soil from 3 to 10 weeks with no feeding necessary.

if you have grown other types of plants before likely you need to give about half as much water and 25% as much nutrients when growing marijuana...Cannabis like it dry and they like little food.

dont worry man your still early in, this can end up being an amazing grow, plants in veg can recover just about anything...just get them looking pristine before you hit the 12/ much nitrogen can increase flowering time and reduce yield.

so at the least start giving plain water for best transplant them into new containers ideally with soil that doesnt have the slow release...but dont listen to some people who say YOU CANT grow marijuana in MG or slow release because some of my best plants has been in that stuff..just do like i said and wait till nitrogen defeciency untill you feed..this plant below here was a miracle grown plant that had to much nitrogen in the begining from the time-release, i let it go deficient before i started the end it yield 6 ounzes indoors when I usually only get 2 to 4 in my garden so a bit of an odditiy...this top cola was as big as my head.



New Member
just to clarify, im not recommending anyone grow with time-release nutes soil but Im just saying that it can be done...using quality fertz, soil, and amendments to the soil provides for a uniformly more desirable product in the end and overall more healthy plants..but my miracle grow experiments worked out okay in the end. I mean your just adding another dice roll to the process....

When you grow from seed its a roll of the dice.

When you use water from a tap that you haven't throughly tested or filtered you roll the dice.

When you use soil you roll the dice as to how much nutrient is in the medium - counter this by watching for defencienies and correcting them. This problem is worse with time release nutes cause then you REALLY dont know what is going on.

Keep in mind the plant only takes in what it needs but when its in a POT it cant help but take in whats available to it especially if you give it no choice in the mater, and buildup of salts in the soil makes its environment even worse - BE CONSERVATIVE!

Its the nature of the beast with soil growing you give up a degree of control and roll the dice more then a hydro grower, control is very important when it comes to indoor growing - As a soil grower you must Feed the soil - the soil feeds the plants. A hydro grower thrives on its control but with soil we can let the plants be a little wild and roll the dice a little more because the important thing with soil is to be patient and let the plants themselves be the guide with you as only the aide and not the master conductor that a hydro grower is.


Well-Known Member
well i didnt know it had time released nitrogen, but like wise im very thankful that you guys have helped me nip this problem in the bud before it got too much worse. i went to go check on my plants today and they were looking great, they have grown a bunch and since topped. the stems have like made like a 40% gain in thickness in the mainstem and in the branches in like two days. the plants are really green though, and only a few have leaf tip burn, but theyre not bad at this point. i was gunna take a picture but i didnt have my phone on me. theyve been growing like theyve been on steroids since i transplanted. check out this link, this is the soil im using

ps, that plant is a beauty, i hope mine turn out even half as good as that one lmfao


Well-Known Member
Hey. nothing too crazy in todays update, just a little bit more growth. just showing you guys how bad the nitrogen surplus/ nute burn is. i think its bad but its getting better, since i stopped feeding and flushed today when i watered (the plants were droopy as they were in dire need of some water) any input?



Well-Known Member
where you growing at lol ? you should try putting some kind of refletive walls around your plants , i think it would decrease light loss and maximize the light intake for your plants , tin foil works great and becuase its a CFL grow you wont have to worry about hot spots :D


Well-Known Member
that area is enlosed in mylar sheets, is super reflective when in the room, its like being inside of the suns ass. lmfao

also its only a cfl grow till flowering, im buying either a 400 or 600 w hps within the next week or so. im excited! :)


Well-Known Member
went to check on the plants today and they were doing good. i havent been feeding to counteract the nitrogen issue, other than that this is where theyre at. im might go buy the 400w hps tomorrow. i think some of them are starting to show sex and im pretty sure one of them are already showing male traits. i could be wrong, tell me what you think!

also when should i go into flowering?


T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
Triple in size from Veg End (Flower Start) To Flower End.....the 400 would do excellent but if money is an issue a 250w will do fine and save Electricity


Well-Known Member
i was thinking a 400, but i have to get my carbon filter and whatnot, other than that do they look alright though?


Well-Known Member
haha got a good deal on a 400 watt hps, it was barely used and in great condition on craigslist, it listed for 165 but i got it for 90 its basic but it was also cheap as balls. what is the distance from the plants too much?



Well-Known Member
i have one but im nervous because i didnt turn the fan on today because i was in the room for two hours and i didnt see any heat buildup but then i after i left the grow house i was like.... damn.... i should have left that on.