my new ROOR!


Well-Known Member
some of you might remember when i got the 420$ bong, like 2 weeks ago. well needless to say it wasnt worth it, i found somone to buy it for 100$ less and just bought a 200$ ROOR.

i wanted an illadelph but the only place around here that had any didnt have anything worth getting.



Well-Known Member
Wait, you lost $100 on a bong? Why would you do that?

And I hope that was a used bong, because if that's new, it got dirty fast.


Well-Known Member
the first bont wasnt worth me even having, i just needed to get rid of it so i could sleep at night. and that pic was after smoking out of it a few times. anyway, out of the bongs they had this was the best deal. it was this or some 80$ paper thin less than a foot tall bong. this was cheap. the bong i wanted was about 450... but even if that was the first one i got, i would be too worried about it. 200$ was a good price for this. the smaller thinner ones are usualy 250. this one could be 300$ if i didnt spend money at the place alot and know the guy.


Well-Known Member
i think it was well worth it, but thats just me, i know people that get pissed if people spend 30$ on a cheap glass pipe... to each theyre own. its more function for me anyway, ive never had a bong hit better.


Well-Known Member
but for real im a glass blower and i collect artistic pipes, i really wanted a nice illadelph because i study other blowers and luka at illadelph is one of them. but a nice roor compairs somewhat, ill just have to learn more about them and theyre blowers. its by far the nicese cleanest glass on glass ive seen as far as fusing and centering, along with near perfect aerodynamics. truely a quality piece.