My new RDWC double grow


Well-Known Member
I put together this RDWC system with 2 - 5gal. grow buckets and 1 - 5 gal. res. I use a 7 stage system for RO water. Since I liked the Super Skunk so much from the last grow that I thought I'd grow another (plant on the left). The other plant (plant on the right) is Jock Horror. I grew this a few years ago and want to use up all my feminized seeds before I go on to other strains again.
Right now I have 2 300watt & 1 600watt led lights. When I kick it to flowering I'll add the other 600 watt led.
I'm using the General Hydroponics Flora Series (minus the grow solution). I use the Bloom, Micro & CaliMagic. Right now I have it at 510ppm & always 5.8pH.
They are on day 48 of veg now. Since I've grown these 2 strains before, I wanted to experiment a little. I've been doing very heavy fan leaf trimming. The plants were so thick that even with all the air circulation in the tent, they build up moisture all over the packed leaves. They kept popping right back into too bushy territory within days, so I kept trimming. I have now stopped trimming as of a couple days ago. I'll do it once more before I kick it into flower. Since there seems to be a never ending argument over whether to trim or not to trim, I thought I'd try it myself.
Anyway, here are the girls.



Well-Known Member
A bit of an update. 2 days ago I gave them both a full trim and tonight they go 12/12. They're @ 746ppm & 5.8pH now. The crappy ppm meter I had crapped out on me and I had to use a cheap backup one. I want to get new lights for my next grow because I'm sick of the purple.



Well-Known Member
Here's another quick update. I'm now day 6 into 12/12 and I've been upping my nutes. I'm up to 1010ppm & the res still stays at 5.8pH. I've used almost no pH down this grow. These 2 have bushed back out and I've raised the lights a little. So far everything seems like it's going great. I'll have to wake up early one day for the non purple pics.



Well-Known Member
It's been a little while, so I thought I'd throw in a couple more pics. It's day 20 of 12/12 and the grow is still doing good. I had to keep trimming as they got bigger, but I didn't go super overboard. I'm pretty sure that I'm done trimming for the rest of the grow. I got the nutes just over 1300ppm but it's just a little too much for the Jock Horror. I'm going to dial it back a bit. I'm also having some humidity problems. The carbon filter helps, but I need a dehumidifier. Does anyone know of a quality yet affordable small dehumidifier that I can just slide in the corner of the tent? The reviews on all of the small ones I find say they don't really work that well. I'll also need a bigger res and a water chiller for my next grow. My water temps are ~ 74F during lights on.
Well, I'm off for a puff. I'm down to my last bud from my last grow.



Well-Known Member
I run air from my forced air furnace as return air, its dry.
edit,into my lung/mech room,flower room draws air from there.


Well-Known Member
I decided to just try my luck with a small dehumidifier and see if it helps.
I've been thinking about adding Armor Si to my res, but there's a lot of differing opinions on that product. Unfortunately, it's more expensive than any of my other nutes. Hell, I only paid around $28+ tax for a gallon of GH Bloom, but they charge around $25 for a quart of Armor Si.
You know, it's weird. The Super Skunk is supposed to be an Indica dominant while the Jock Horror is Sativa dominant, yet the Super Skunk is growing taller than the Jock Horror and still doesn't seem quite done with it's stretch. When the Super Skunk was only about a few weeks into veg, she had HUGE fatass leaves. As she grew, all the new leaves grew in skinnier and look about the same as the other plant.


Well-Known Member
It's far too difficult to get in the tent to trim. Next time, I'll just shwazz it before I kick it into flower.
EDIT: I haven't added nutes in 5 days. I've just added RO water. They drink soooooooo much and eat sooooo little now.
Oh ya, the dehumidifier is pulling a lot of water out of the air and now that it's been snowing out here, I've opened a window near the tent. The Temp is now around 74 and the humidity is around 53%.
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Well-Known Member
Here's day 41 of 12/12. I had a bit of a nutrient burn problem. Everything seems ok now, though. Well, except for my damn Super Skunk. A few big branches in the back are heavy leaning...and I mean heavy leaning. I can't fit my skinny ass back there to tie them up, so they have to sag. I should have set up my scrog screen before I switched to 12/12 to help hold them up and prevent this. I won't make that mistake again.

