My new pipe



lol @ the triple C

almost want to do some though

i just dont want to go through that awkward part of buying it


Active Member
lmao!! i kno rite!

i hate that shit 2!!

around here tho i can go 2 the locol food lion and can get em w/o ppl all up n my shit, they dont even card me..

i live nt eh middle of the contry.. im sure they dnt kno wut there 4.


Well-Known Member
DON'T EVER LEAVE YOUR GANDALF (proper name: churchwarden pipe) ON THE SOFA!!!!!

I miss mine. It got sat on.



damn man that sucks

ill take your life lesson and apply it to my own


Active Member
iv been cared EVERY WHERE else, and had 2 right down alll my shit..

like the rite aid RITE bshind food lion i have 2 right down ALOTA shit..

n w/ them not cardn me and shit, i cant get them as much as i wont..
i dont do them now, but when i was yunger i was getin them all the time.


Active Member
i fucking hate that,
im in a habbit of how i type, i try 2 change it up.. so YALL stop bitchin on here..

i said.

im over 18, and i HAVE been careded EVERYWHERE i do.. but this 1 place..


of the four shops i went to while looking for a new piece of glass, only one carded me

the first one i have bought from a few times before, the dude recognized me (owner)

was wearing my obama joker New World Order shirt and we were talking about it and shit

then he trys to pull his salesman tricks

"alright man well check out this new vaporizor man normally three hundred but i like your shirt and your in the know so 200"


the place i went to that carded me was just 1 girl working there about 20-21

i seriously think she carded me just to learn my name, was kinda flirting with her and she carded me when i left... so thats kind of odd

but yeah if you saw me irl it would be pretty obvious im over 18, so when people card me it kind of irritates me (especially at places i buy swishers at 2-3 times a week)


Active Member
i really am in the habbet of this bullshit, i got in hi school and never droped it.. i get shit 4 it alot. lol

iv only been careded ONCE 4 glass.

n iv bought it alot.

i get carded 4 cigs and wrapes still..

it anoyes me, and some ppl fuck w/ it and are lik e"is this fake"

no mother fucker.. it aint fake..


Well-Known Member
i really am in the habbet of this bullshit, i got in hi school and never droped it.. i get shit 4 it alot. lol

iv only been careded ONCE 4 glass.

n iv bought it alot.

i get carded 4 cigs and wrapes still..

it anoyes me, and some ppl fuck w/ it and are lik e"is this fake"

no mother fucker.. it aint fake..

I hate that shit too. Or they will look at the picture and look at your face like 5 fucking times.

Or ask you how old you are.

When shit like this happens i seriouly get pissed and tell em ill buy somewhere else.:wall:

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
i really am in the habbet of this bullshit, i got in hi school and never droped it.. i get shit 4 it alot. lol

iv only been careded ONCE 4 glass.

n iv bought it alot.

i get carded 4 cigs and wrapes still..

it anoyes me, and some ppl fuck w/ it and are lik e"is this fake"

no mother fucker.. it aint fake..
If you know how to spell, why act like you don't? Quit holding yourself back, because it's really quite hard to take you seriously when you type like that.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I hate that shit too. Or they will look at the picture and look at your face like 5 fucking times.

Or ask you how old you are.

When shit like this happens i seriouly get pissed and tell em ill buy somewhere else.:wall:
Ha ha, the gas station right across from campus pulls that shit. I get carded all the fucking time. I buy lottery tickets or cigarettes at least once a day. I know half the employees names, but I still get carded. They watch me walk from campus over there... I don't know of anyone at my school under 18... though a lot of them act like it.