My New Personal Grow Room


Well-Known Member
ok here it is... the entire room is 3x5x8 the flower room is 3x2x6, this is the six plant areo unit that you can find on this sight posted by filthyfletch, a 400w hps for the flower room and floros for mom and here offspring. i have a 160cfm exhaust fan, the intake hole i am thinking of putting in the top right corner and it will flow in the top of mother room in to bottom of flower room and out the top of flower room. i have 2 small wall mount oscillating fans one for each room and i think thats it. electrically it has its own 20amp circuit and and 5 electrical outlets


Well-Known Member
yea this sucks ill just load real pix start to finish when i build it. i had made a lil diagram and all but after i resized it its still takes up to much space


Well-Known Member
anyhoo the clones will sit on top of the 2x3x6 flower room and the other 3x3x8 section will be for the mother. and technically the flower room will also be a veg room for a short time of the plants life as i would take clones than after 10 days when there rooted real good i will veg them for another 10-20 days in flower room with a mh conversion bulb than change bulb to flower than when i harvest i will hang em in flower room with light off and take new clones and in 10 days when ready to veg, take down harvested crop and put in jars change bulb and start over


Well-Known Member
i would say swap your mother and flower rooms. u need more room to flower than to keep a mother plant. flowering is when the plants grow 2-3x their height.