My New Outdoor Grow (NEED ADVICE)

Mini Gizii

Active Member
Ok first off let me say this, i have never tried growing this way so this is the reason i need some pointers. I have found a spot some what deep in the forest and decided this would be my only place to grow. After cutting down a few trees to maximize the light we decided we would build a makeshift greenhouse out of industrial plastic and 2 by 4's that we found. The thing is ive never actually new how green houses work and what i have to do differently then just growing in the ground outside. I decided to do it the green house way to stop spiders and slugs from getting to my plants. I hope this is a good idea and that i can get some pointers cause this might be my only way of growing

If you want me to upload some pics i could so just tell me.



Well-Known Member
if there were two by fors there wouldn't people see your jank ass greenhouse, but besdides that you should be gold, give em water and nutes and watch i havn't done greenhouses but i wish i could


Well-Known Member
main purpose of a greenhouse is to keep the heat of the sun in and basically sheild your plants from the elements. as far as putting it in a forest i would say not to because a greenhouse usuaslly has some lights and ventilation going through it. With the sun beating down on the greenhouse all day the temp will get pretty hot without proper ventilation. Basically you are going to be putting you plants into a car that has been sitting in the sun all day with closed windows


Well-Known Member
a green house in the forest with weed in it is not a great idea at all. Is it your property? If a copter flew over it they might want to check that shi.t out, but shi.t i'm so paranoid of the copters it aint funny. I also heard they look hard for weed if there are cut trees, i could be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
You're right napalese cutting down trees and building an unnatural structure is a big no-no. Covering it with plastic that might reflect the sun is a terrible idea. plant in patches of one or two. An outdoor plant will yield quite a bit so you don't need much.


Well-Known Member
ya 1 or 2 is the best. sometimes I lose my plants with 1 or 2, thats usually a good sign you wont have them ripped. Has to be a real good spot to get alot of it though. Little sun = Little bud also the soil is a huge factor. I'm going to grow some lowryders and beat those damn copters.

Mini Gizii

Active Member
well the place i am growing is a place where no people would wander into. Also i live in canada and a helicopter pilot would probably see it and be like some kid build a random ass fort in the bush. The only helicopters and planes that fly over are geologists and private planes no police. Our police are to hurtin to have a helicopter. The main reason i wanted to grow in a green house is to be able to start early cause of the stupid frost

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Oh, don't underestimate the pilots, be they civilian or otherwise. They know the difference between a home-made greenhouse and a tree fort, believe me. And if one of them happens to spot a small greenhouse out in the middle of a forest, I absolutely guarantee you it'll take him about 3 seconds to figure out exactly what it's being used for. Now, that's not to say he's going to do anything about it - plenty of pilots are cool folks who don't care about anyone's grow. But then again, a heck of a lot of pilots are real straight-arrow types - ex-military, conservative, etc. Just the sort of law-abiding citizen who won't hesitate to Alert The Proper Authorities the minute he touches down.

That's not to say you shouldn't do it, but don't kid yourself that there's no risk. If you're just trying to avoid the frost, I'd suggest reducing the risk by tearing the greenhouse down as soon as the danger of frost has passed. It's still a risk, but at least you'd be minimizing your window of exposure.