My new mmpr headache


Well-Known Member
The College of Family Physicians has released a guidance document for physicians in regards to medical marijuana. Dried Cannabis for Chronic Pain or Anxiety.pdf

Although it is not required by the MMPR, physicians should specify the percentage of THC on the medical document for all authorizations for dried cannabis, just as they would specify dosing when prescribing any other analgesic (Level III). B.
I tried reading this...I got to discussion and supporting evidence and that was a is it that pharmaceutical cannabinoids differ from the cannabinoids I grow in my box? That whole paper is full of shit....there has been a giant experiment going on since the beginning of prohibition...who has died from using mj? I have been using mj for 36 years....when is the boogey man coming?


Well-Known Member
Thats the bitch of this whole thing. I would much rather just take care of myself with my own plants but my family dr made sure to drag this whole thing out so that i couldnt just grow my own.
Fuk em is right tho


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness TO, do you have the support of your family to quietly grow? Other than the biggie of just doing it, do you own your own home? And do you have a legit diagnosis from a qualified physician in this country?


Well-Known Member
I have a legit dianosis actually i fit into three or four of the hc qualifying diagnosis'.
I have the support of my family and friends and thats whats been keeping me going.
I dont own my own home just yet but hopefully soon enough.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I brought up the house was because of the mandatory minimums...not that I think it would fly, but those three things I would consider fairly important.


Well-Known Member
Upping your opiate intake just because you can't acces "legal" medication isn't worth it man. You've already said you have your family's support so fuck the doctor, and his THC cap (which is fucked btw) And go back to the black market. At least until you can find a new doc, or correct his backasswards way of thinking.


Well-Known Member
My opiate intake was due to raise anyway but the problem is i cant rely on firends and family to keep helping me forever.
My dg buddy goes above and beyond now in helping me but he has 99 problems too.
I will try to keep myself in check but morally im just a beaten down man.


Well-Known Member
I was forced to take matters in to my own hands,way back ,and I was glad I did....
I took the opiates my GP offered ...too..but I also did not give up or take no for an answer..
Mind you I was the pot doc , lawyer and consultant...
but back then...I had to do what I had to do....
What did I learn.....?
I did not need anyone's permission...really....
and I will not ask...anyone's permission again....
These people do not have the right to tell free thinking individuals,what they can or can not do...


Well-Known Member
I know really....
If I had thought for 1 moment that HC would sell me out, by exposing my health records...making me a target....I would have never...signed up
I have always felt we were somewhat safe.....considering all the privacy place....
But the gov...proved that they can not be trusted...on the simplest of things....
and considering the state of my health at the time... these issues were uncalled for..and caused huge amounts of stress
and not just for me....but also others in my family.....


Well-Known Member
I tried reading this...I got to discussion and supporting evidence and that was a is it that pharmaceutical cannabinoids differ from the cannabinoids I grow in my box? That whole paper is full of shit....there has been a giant experiment going on since the beginning of prohibition...who has died from using mj? I have been using mj for 36 years....when is the boogey man coming?

Easy, pharmaceutical cannabinoids are synthetic and can be patented. This is another sly way they're gonna try and keep us from growing our own, take this into account along with the info being sent to Doctors on limiting THC% intake.

Even though everyone here knows mountains more on the subject of cannabis then these goons could ever hope to, if it comes from a "credible" source who are the Doctors more likely to believe? Us or them? Sadly, due to misinformation or not, Doctors are busy and by that token less likely to do research on their own(Hell I've been told this by 2 separate Dr's I've seen over the years)

So my guess is that a lot of BS info made up on a whim will be passed off as credible or the "standard to follow" simply due to the source it comes from and NOT the research conducted to come to these conclusions