My new invention idea

Left Blank

I'm working this helpful time saving must have for people whose hobby is smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. What you do is combine them into one product. You can either smoke it or drink it. We could put starbucks out of business. I am looking for investors now. i could have a prototype soon. First I have to go to a hypnotist so he can help me remember all the cool shit I think of when I'm buzzed. I think it's still there. so i guess my brain is a fried egg on drugs, No mine is scrambled eggs. I like those better. Were do dead brain cells go? Do we pee them out. Thanks for letting me vent. My son has aspergers. So, that's a challenge. I have a psychiatric disorder. It's just the result of the 70's. But I am on ss disability. Can I leave my thoughts here as long as i remember the end. I'll admit I do have some memory problems. mostly i forget what I went to do. I think it is brain damage. My mind tries play tricks on me. My mind wants me to stop and go back to bluntville. Ok I am a little apathetic. Pot helps me be human easier. When I am straight I feel different from everyone. When my mind connects to earth and the universe (when I'm toasted.) I feel like i am part of everything. I hate couchlock. I feel guilty because i"m not doing anything. But then my son bangs on our bedroom door. He's pissed because I always lock it. He thinks he should be able to barge in anytime. That's one of his aspergers syndrome. It's hard for me to digest a lot of it. In fact it gives me a freakin ulcer. Seems like they are guessing and making stuff up as they go along. Someday. WTF. I used to believe everything iread and heard. Now I am a devout open minded skeptic. My sons are a lot like I was. I believe that pot has been a very valuable therapetic tool. Oh yeah, now i know what someday was. Someday I'm gonna find someone to write my autobiography. When I was a kid they had Fred Flinstone having a gay old time and advertising Winston fags. We didn't have mega super humongus......something. I like yogisms. I wish I had a better smile. But I don't have to have it. I like talking to people and having a good time. I's easy for me to open up and talk about feelings and shit. I learned a lot from rehab and those 12 step power trip groups.
This is later. Got distracted. Yeah I have trouble with a small attention span.
OK Yeah Dude Uh!
I don't want to touch the keyboard