My New Grow Room


Well-Known Member

I am going to say that 99% of the cab is finished. I hooked up my CO2, got my timers all set up to run my fans/co2 system, and ripped apart my old flower cab getting everything out. I will be using my old flower cab as my new veg cab, and my old veg cab for my mothers and clones.

The girls went under the 600watt light tonight at about 10pm. Since the table isn't built yet, they are a little ways from the light. I only have 6 plants in flower right now for two reasons.

First, I had a cloning disaster about 8weeks ago but I was lucky enough to get some cuttings rooted from my flowering plants so I didn't lose any strains. I built a new cloner for that batch of clones, and turns out that was a bad idea. I lost 14 or 16 clones. I hadn't lost a clone in like a year, so I guess it was just my time. I have since gone back to using my old cloner.

The second reason, I ran out of soil on Sun night, and the damn hydro shop is closed sun and mon. I will be adding 1 more White Widow clone and possibly 2 mutant C-99 to join the 3 C-99, 1 Ice, and 2 White Widows already in there.

The C-99 are in the large pots, the Ice is in a white pot but is larger than the WW. The 2 WW are a little small because I just got them from the shop the other day. Hopefully they will have a nice stretch during flower so I get a decent yield. Depending on how all this stuff fits, I may go get a few more clones from the shop and throw them right into flower. I'm sure I won't get much off of them, but they are only like $10-$15 a piece, and I'm sure I'll get more than that.

If the plants look a little unhappy, its because they are. I was too lazy to water, so they sat in the dark for almost 3 days. They are recovering quickly, but they looked bad for a min. They just got their first batch of bloom nutes. I'm using pure blend pro for the first time. I mixed it with all my additives at 1100ppm and a pH of 6.6. We'll see how these nutes work out. Everything was at half strength and still came out to 1100ppm, so I'm going to have to watch that.

Let me know what you guys think.



Well-Known Member
Nice bob!

You've got all that stuff done and I've still only just put my 2x4 cage together. The helping hands I got are more pipe/bong in hand and not so much help :[

You do all that by yourself?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I did it all my self. No one knows about my grow, so I have to do everything myself. That means no long trips, and lots of work building things. I only have a 4dr car, no truck, so I have to have everything cut so it will fit in my car too.
Depending on how long watering takes tonight, I may drill the drainage holes and install the tubing that drains into the res. I will post pics when it totally finished and has the plants on it.


Well-Known Member
whow, amazing setup, i love it.

is it going to just look like a normal closet pretty much on the outside? or is it still gonna be a little heat.


Well-Known Member
Now its not going to look like a closet at all. It is a "stand alone" structure in my spare bedroom. It look like a space ship on the outside will all the ducting, pvc, cords, etc.
Here are some pics of the finished table. I still haven't put any plastic on the floor, but I need to do that real soon. THe plants are growing nicely so far.

