My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese


Well-Known Member
Yeah i tied the one and it still wanted to grow up and the string was diggin in the plant...didnt want to sushi the top right off so i trimmed up some leaves and moved the plant to the outside of the light...If it grows to much more it will hit the ceiling...well the shelf...


Well-Known Member
hell yes, i got some king kong bitches...Another thing i can say is......I GOT MY BB CHEESE IN TODAY....winner of the cannibus cup...I got 5 fem seeds...They look kind of dry and cracked sort of...They better be ok or ill be bitchin...
Now im not going to start my bb cheese grow until after my other grows are done...WHY, because i dont have another setup and i want my closet to be the only one...Im also going to be getting more seeds...DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SEED IDEAS...BIG YIELDERS BUT NOT TO PRICY...looking for something in thee 50 and under range...


Well-Known Member
Thanks blunt...will check it out...
Ok Yall some new pics...Ok i cut a clone of my girl when she was in flower. Now i didnt realize i had that clone vegging with my smaller plants. And then i moved it into flower with my small plants...Forgot that the clone needed 24 hour light....Just realized it today, looked at the clone and it had roots...WOW...couldnt believe it. So with the clone in flower it took excited. I put it in soil tonight check it out...
Ok now more pics...the small plants i vegged for two weeks are now in day 6 of flower...I added two more cfl's one daylight and one cool light...
I also cut two more clones of my one flowering girl since it did no harm and it took roots...My big plants are in day 30 of flower.....Ok now my right click is broken so i cant put the small ones up yet...



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone greencrunchies here at it again...Im going to be taking pics in a couple minutes and putting them up. Ok so i successfully cloned my mother plant in 12/12 even though it had one week of vegg...So i thought, what the hell and to try it again..Got two clones going and and a experiment...going to show you, its a suprise...;) back in a few.


Well-Known Member
i wanna see i wanna see come on hurry up. Kind of funny actually i had 2 clones that i forgot in my old room when i moved everything and one of them rooted nicely in the dark. I think they NEED a little dark period (all my veggy shit is in 18/6 actually now that i think about it.. so this will be the first time i've done clones under 18/6) and today is day 3


Well-Known Member
:fire:Ok everyone...secret time. ITS NOT A BIG DEAL BUT....ok since my clone in 12/12 worked im going to try another one to see maybe if i just got lucky. They are both of my big female...Now im already seeing new fresh green growth...can you see it. Now the second pic is the test. I wanted to see if i could clone a piece of the bottom and get two new growths to come out of the nodes....kind of like topping a clone...before it
I was just going to throw it out so i thought what the hell...and if you look close there is already new growth coming from between the nodes....just lil so excited...



Well-Known Member
Ok now so new post time...This is the pic of my small and big plants...
The big girls have been in flower for 33 days. not alot of budding going on, the one took off right away and the other one didnt flower till 2 weeks after...I took a coat hanger made a brace and bent it over cause it was touching the top of my shelf in the closet.
The bud pics are of the other plant, does it look like its kind of skimpy for 33 days....???

And the other pics are of the young ones...two weeks in veg. and in to flower for 9 days now. No sign of sex now...Does anyone have any experience with early flowering, how long does it normally take to see sex....??? And of course the 12/12 clone.



Well-Known Member
Also i know i dont have enough light for budding now for the big ones. That is one of the main reasons i am going to start fresh with my bb cheese seeds i got....5 fem and also getting more to start a new grow. I hope to get some good bud from my smaller plants since they are not as stretched and closer together I just need enough bud from these plants now to last me till the end of my next grow...I only smoke once in a while, do you think the bud from all these plants will last me three months...??? Also i will have a total new killer setup for the next grow...cant wait to start another journal...


Well-Known Member
Ok so now its day 36 for the big girls...and i have seen some major improvements. Now i upgraded, I got four more 150 watt clf's 2600 lumens apiece....soft white, the yellowish ones for flowering...;) I have seen almost bud the past couple days...but not on the top cola..on the other
And the small girls i hope are now on 12 days of flower...Still no sign of sex on any of them...When will i see the sex...anyone...????
I vegged for two weeks and they were really healthy and nice size... Here are pics of everything even my experiment...The growing clones in 12/12 alone is doing superb as you can see in the pic the two new sets of growth on the small pic of the other clone, nothing more to report just more growth....
My clone in dirt is doing great...
But one of the small ones was a little droopy and the soil was really dry so i watered her good...Hope thats why she is sad looking...And now the best



Well-Known Member
Hey, where ya been part timer?! looking healthy i hope those buds fatten up for you (i'm a little sceptical about flowering with fluorescents.


Well-Known Member
Lol, ive been here...Been working two jobs, to suppor the
Yeah im skeptical too but i have alot of them now... almost got a 250 metal halide yesterday but want to keep the electric as low as possible....
Thanks the buds are forming nicely...more so on the lower branches, not complaining...I plan on using cfl's until i get more money to just spend on whatever. I would love to see the max i can get with cfl's.
My next grow will rock...New closet setup, new light setup, more cheese, white widow, bleu berries, afghan kush, orange bud, northern lights and many others....


Well-Known Member
Next grow sounds exciting. Make sure to post a link to the next journal.

Plants look good man! I thought they usually showed sex within 2 weeks?:confused: I'm no expert on that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i know the next grow will rock...Im building for it already...;P i think i found a good soil and a good setup, also good air circulation for a closet. So we will see. Well i checked on them today, i have a mix of daylight and flowering lights, took out the daylight ones today except the big ones. AND I DO SEE SOME SEX... I thought it would take about two weeks and it did, i see it on all but one plant the smallest. They look possible male and one, but its ok cause i want to pollinate some bottom branches of my females to have some seed. NIRVANA SUCKS>>>>....out of 10 looks like i will have 2 females...
Thanks for the post blunt...Here is some pic action comin your way...


Well-Known Member
Ok guys some cool updates....
You can grow a clone in 12/12 i got pics, i did it on accident last time and did it on purpose this time. And look it wasnt a top it was not a secondary but a third branch node. Just two leafs and now look two new branches. I am so stoked...I will post a new thread to tell everyone that it can be done.
Also i saw sex on my small plants....2 weeks into flowering after two weeks of vegg. Looks like one def hermie and the others not to sure but look male...;( Its ok though i want to pollinate and get some seed.
Here is some pic action coming at you....



Well-Known Member
Sweet, seeds! Too bad so few are female.:cry:
Nice work with that clone too. Are you going to keep growing it in 12/12 and tie it up when it gets heavy?


Well-Known Member
Hey, just started reading through your journal yesterday. Looks good. I'm actually going to be starting some purple power myself in a couple of weeks. How long do you veg them for and how tall do you expect them to get?