My New Closet Grow Room!!! New Tips!!!


Active Member
Just checked it, its at 91. :( This kinda sucks but it looks like im gonna just have to go with a better exhaust fan I guess. Would a 6'' Inline Air Booster duct fan work? its got 240CFM, I found that at a hardware store today for only $39.00, I considered taking back a couple of my bathroom fans and getting that intead but I wanted to try the cool tube idea first which doesnt seem to be working, maybe the glass is too thin and thats why they cost so much from a hydro store, who knows.


Active Member
I have another question, could my closet just be too warm in general even without any lights? With nothing on, no fans no lights, the temp in the closet is 72.


Well-Known Member
your ambient temp at 72 is fine. The thickness of the glass is fine too i bet. You just need to make sure everything is right on the cool tube and it will work fine. Just mess around with it and test. Took me several attempts to get my cooltube perfectly running.

Take a few pics of your setup so we can see what you are working with. Take a few more pics of how you set up your cool tube so maybe i can see what is wrong with it.

** make sure you are expelling the heat from the cooltube away from the grow room


Active Member
I am not sure how to expel the hot air for the cool tube because the end of the class tube is all the way against the light socket. What if I get a *6in inline 240cfm air booster exhaust fan and place it near the end of the cool tube directing air out of the closet would that expel out enough hot air.
*For another $10.00 I can get a 8in it worth it?


Well-Known Member
I wonder if you could just reverse the fan and suck air through the cool tube and vent it out... I imagine your duct leads out of the box, right?

Where a cool tube shines is in it's ability to totally isolate the heat from the light.... by dumping the heat from the bulb inside of your box, you are not getting much of the benefit...

But hey man... go with what you know... I've already been called retarded today so.. don't believe me too much... lol...

Good Luck...



Active Member
I just purchased a 6'' inline air booster fan 240CFM, I installed that behind the light on the wall with the duct venting out of the room. So far the temp is at 83, thats still higher than I want but better, i'll see if it gets any higher in the next little while.
I think that sounds like a good idea turning the fan around to suck air out rather than blowing the air into the closet through the cool tube.
Does anyone know if I need to plan for the temp to rise or fall once I put 10 baby clones in their?


Well-Known Member
I clone at the same temps I grow... some people like it a bit warmer ...

and for the fan set up, keep in mind that ideally, you would want the fan pushing cool air through the ducting , light and ducting again...

The fan is more efficient when blowing cool air, and you will also gain in fan motor life by not blowing hot air across it...

I feed my cool tube from either the AC or outside air... it goes through the light and comes out of the tent on the other end...

Here is a better way to





Active Member
So I turned the fan that was blowing air INTO the cool tube around and rigged the ducting to it to suck air instead, it immediately started blowing out hot air which I figired was a good thing because that means its sucking that hot air out of the closet! However my issue is the hood for my light doesn't allow me to put anything on the left end of the cool tube, I have the ducting attached to one end but the other end of the glass is simply pushed against the base of the hood around the light socket.
Will the temp get lower once I put plants inside the room and it adds a little bit of humidity or will the temp rise? THere is a lof of air flowing in the room, it doesn't feel too hot but the temp is at 84 now, to me it doesnt seem to hot to grow plants but I'm not about to go buy 10 clones only to cook them to death!!! I cant get an AC unit, thats out of my price range.
I posted 3 pics, hopefully they make sense to you!



Well-Known Member
Oh I wish that pic showed a little more to the left... the socket n' stuff...

So the bigger duct is 6"? and that is an exhaust?

and the smaller duct is 4"? and now that is also acting as an exhaust?

If you said yes to all of the above, then we are on the same page...

Please correct me if I am wrong....


Well-Known Member

is there any way you could slide some bigger ducting over the socket? cutting a slit for the wire... some tape... no?!?

You would really benefit from moving cool air directly through...

I am kinda running out of advice... but I guess 84F is better than 91F and above...

And I doubt the temp will lower with the plants, as you have just effectively made the air space smaller, without a reduction in the heat source...

Best of luck man... I'm gonna keep scratching my retarded head and if I come up with something I will let you



Hit me up if you got any questions though...


Well-Known Member
Can you post a pic of the socket end of the light?

what are we dealing with that will not allow you to put a duct?

Could you put a big 8" duct taped over the socket?


Active Member
Here is a pic of the socket, I have been making adjustments all night long, so far what I have done is taken the 6'' inline fan and created a connection using that metal tape, to a 4'' duct tube on both ends of the fan, one end (the suction end) is right up under the light as you can see at the back end, the other is outside the closet. I then have another small fan sucking air on the other end of that cool tube, so should I switch that back to blowing air and the bottom one sucking air out?
I now have 1 6'' inline fan exhausting air, plus 2 bathroom fans exhausting air, and 3 fans circulation fans within this closet, should be plenty of freakin air!!!!!!! lol
I have another question, I am having problems wiht the stupid blackout sheet I bought to cover the closet, any suggestions on a light proof material (pref white) that I can buy in a large enough size to cover my entire closet opening? something I can cut holes in to put exhaust tubes thru. What are grow boxes made out of? Can I buy that material?



Well-Known Member
you are still cutting out the part I want to see...

I used 6 MIL B&W Panda Film... got it at the grow shop...



Active Member
That picture shows the socket, the other end is sealed to anthoer tube exhausting air. The pic is sidewas tho! You can see how the glass is connected by a plastic fastener, its not sealed to anything, but the inline fan is exhausting air from right underneath it?


Well-Known Member
So you have both ducts exhausting right now...

I rather you only switched to blowing across the cooltube when we figure out how to connect to both sides...

Could 6" or 8" duct fit over the socket end? (the open end)

I bet if we get the cooltube set up like it is supposed to, you will not have issues anymore...

Post that pic including the socket wire and the whole shabang... i'll be up for a while still, so hit me back...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
looking at these pics, I think that you can tape up some 8" duct over the part that sicks out...

The duct's edge would tape to the reflector on top and the glass on the bottom...

does that make any sense...??? do you think that would work?

Yu would have to cut a slot for the wire to go through, but you should be able to tape it back over...

what do you think?


Active Member
Ok pics are posted hopefully you can see everything. You see how the left side of the light hood where the socket is installed, blocks the other opening of the glass tube? Should I get rid of my light hood and just put the socket through the tube? lol