My New 25 Gallon Rubbermaid Set-up Check it out!


Well-Known Member
Hygrozyme, and most hydroponic stores will have it. If not, buy it online. It isn't inexpensive but unlike many products out there, it DELIVERS!

Hygrozyme is an enzyme complex that takes any dead matter and digests it, making it available to the plant as food. Rot is stopped dead and the good tissue has a chance to take hold.

Same goes for Hydroguard:

Hydroguard Water Treatment

Hydroguard is a bacterial inoculant, the bacteria colonize the roots and water, preventing harmful pathogens from gaining a hold. This stuff is cheap though, and a little goes a long way.

My first couple of hydroponics systems were pretty poorly concieved, and with these I still got bud.


Well-Known Member
Check out hempy buckets.

Root rot is usually caused by too high temperature in a DWC rez.

High temp causes low D O*

Low D O promotes anaerobic bacteria.

Enzymes alone are not enough to overcome low D O

Only solutions with high D O
are safe from disease.

Some growers are turning dwc tubs into hempy buckets.

*(Dissolved Oxygen)


Well-Known Member
Nothing can overcome the low DO of 76º water.

You will eventually get root rot with that temp.

You have three choices.
•lower the rez temp
•change to aero, or flood and drain.
•convert your tubs to hempy buckets.


Well-Known Member
^Hey my rez temps stay about that high too and instead of rez chillers I invested in better pumps and airstones to raise DO. In addition to the Hygrozyme and Roots Oreganum XL (similar to Hydroguard, different brand), I use one XP-125 pump and three 5" donut airstones for each 12 gallon tub that houses three plants. Each pump has the two outputs running on the same line by way of a t-valve, and that single line is run through a 3-way gang valve with each of the three lines hooked up to its own 5" Donut airstones. All of the above are Topfin brand and available at the large commercial pet store in my area. My seedlings had root rot, but once I put them into my DWC tubs the root rot has been cured and I'd say my root growth is comparable to those found in aeroponic systems and my rez temps hold around 75-78 degrees.


Well-Known Member
My rez temps stay at 26*C. I have 2 dual port Air pumps running to each rez. You can feel the air moving up through the net baskets of the plants. I'm no expert since this is my first hydro grow but what is root rot going to look like and what is it going to do to my plants?


Active Member
My resevoir temps have made me go aeroponic(5 gallon bucket single plant), water sits at bottom while the fogger makes the fog where the roots chill, the fog is not as near hott as the water its in, but helped ALOT. No more brown roots!:hump:


Well-Known Member
ya i did hempy buckets, im a big fan of soiless . well i was...

res temps are not that big of a problem in 25 gallon res. 5 gallon bubble buckets u have those problems alot

anyway i like hempy alot except it is the MOST prone to fungus gnats of any soiless grow i have done.

and i iahev used FFLWW and promix and pure coco.

the hempy bucket will bread fungus gnats like crazy and kill ur crop, unless u take messures to ward them off. and if u do that u no longer have a simple grow method

trust me i fell in love with hempy and started using it, untill the fungus gnats wrecked it all.

large res DWC is the way to for easy 123 buds imo