so0ooo abit of a update on my little lady's, I cropped my Nevilles between the 3-4 Node, Did that on the 1st and she is doing really really good, A lot more growth an branches coming out now, Looking awesome i must say!! Her PPM is about 970 went up a little, i think cause i took out 2 gallons of water so im at 9 gallons of water in a 18 gallon bin, i removed the water because i felt like the Net Basket was getting to too wet, some of my Roots started to turn brown, but since i took the water out, i have notice a few new roots coming out before u could see them but it looked like they weren't growing or anything.. WILL BE SWITCHING TO 12/12 IN 1 WEEK.. Can't Wait!!!... I also Cropped my Snow White yesterday between the 2-3 Node, she recovered really well also seeing a bunch of new growth on her already! Gonna be transplanting her into a 5gallon bucket wit Fox Farm soil, gonna go wit Ocean Mix or Frogs Fog or whateva it is, I am watering her wit FF Grow Big, a nice dose of it too, and she's loving it, I have no problem wit my grow BOTH of my ladys are strong and heathly wit some really bright and dark green!! well thats pretty much it for now, Ill HAVE Pic's up in the Morning of them.. well Thanks for stopping by!! Stay High!!!