• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

my neighbors are ghey....

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Fucking illegals, coming to work their asses off for shit wages in a land that was taken from their people by force. We didn't steal it fair and square just to have them weasel their way back in and wash our dishes! The nerve...


Well-Known Member
I would try to find a HEPA filter that you could install inline. Those should do the trick.
I was thinking this the whole time too. Well, first I thought both of them were growing out doors. But ya, put a filter infront and possibly behind your intake.

And if your legal to grow why the fuck would the police care about your grow?
Just knowing you have ppl making meth in your area, I would rat them out. I have no sham ratting out ppl making meth and selling in your neighborhood. Fuck them, call the police.

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking the whole time I was reading this post. You just need a filter that filters particulate smaller then the pollen and HEPA filters happen to be perfect :)
HEPA or a Wet filter, like a K and N sytle, Those aren't dry and collect pollen a ton easier. You may have to wet it down once a month though, but worth it for insurance.

la-la-la...manifest destiny....la-la-la


Active Member
It's not worth them going to jail over. Don't rat them out.

Write a note that says you know they're growing pot and cooking meth and if they don't shut down and move, you'll call the police. Just stick it on the door in the night.

Only a complete dumbass would keep growing then.

Da Chef

it sucks your plants got pollinated but you dont have to be a fucking BIGOT. you sound like a moron. its probably better your shit got pollinated, because you are a racist.
if you would call the cops on someone for trying to move to another country and make a better life for themselves and their family, than you are scum.
would you want to go to jail for growing weed? and you talk about illegals. was it illegal when white people raped and pillaged every indigenous motherfucker in the western hemisphere?
was the trail of tears illegal? how about the ludlow massacre? or the haymarket martyrs who were brutally killed by chicago police for speaking what they believe? why dont you read a book and you will see everything about this government is illegal. maybe that will change the way you think about it being illegal to move here from mexico. or maybe you are too dense for your views to ever change about anything.
maybe you let the bullshit racism and xenophobia of this country corrupt your mind and turn your heart black, like your lungs.

you probably didnt understand key words. if you want knowledge, look up anything i said that you dont understand or agree with. maybe you will find knowledge and understanding.


Well-Known Member

Just knowing you have ppl making meth in your area, I would rat them out. I have no sham ratting out ppl making meth and selling in your neighborhood. Fuck them, call the police.


thats fucked up. i guess your drugs are better and your freedom is more important.no wonder are country is so fucked up.

if you have a problem with your neighbor than go talk to him like a man.


Well-Known Member
so, thanx for the suggestions...it's bein handled.

the saddest part, is that the older people that lived there before them kept the place in immaculate condition.

they kept a veggie's garden, fruit tree's, roses, etc. and these illegals are RUINING the great soil with there stupid-ass meth chem's....im pissed. first i was like, they can do whatever they want in their own space....now theyre cookin meth next door to my son, and ruining my med's with their low-ass standards....this is gonna be good. real good.

i should clarify: the neighbors are growing inside the house (very obviously, i might add) and i dont want to destroy the soil.
WOW that fucking sucks! what a stroke of bad luck!! i have a few suggestions,

you dont go over there and say ANYTHING! more than likely they are part of a "GANG" and will fucking kill you!!!! they do not care, as you can tell by them dumping nasty fuckin chemicals outside and not giving a fuck! they are in it for all the money and could care less about seeds! they just want to make meth and make money!!! these guys are they perfect example of where that distgusting bagseed you get is made from! its ashamed these guys have to be mexican and im sure they dont give a fuck and are living like pigs, ive seen it here in the neighborhood! but sorry for the seeds and hope it goes better next round you fuckin racist asshole!!

-A Mexican

P.S. Happy Cinco De Mayo! lmao


Well-Known Member
LOL Gmoneys,..

Seriously regardless of who they are,.. making meth is shitty. Anyone who thinks weed is on the same level has watched Reefer Madness one too many times. You do reefer an injustice by comparing it to substances which are addictive, toxic, and destroy lives.

Drawing air into your grow from outdoors without filtering it isn't wise. It's a great way to introduce disease, pests, and pollen from other peoples grow. It's you're own fault you got seeded. Protect your grow, and that includes the air you provide the girls.

If you don't want to do anything yourself,.. point out their shit gradually to another neighbor. If you're good, you could gradually work them up over a week or two, and soon enough they'll be pissed enough to call the cops themselves.


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to get into the politics of this post, but Da Chef,.. you're a idiot. I have nothing against Mexicans, or any other race, but illegals are breaking our laws and should be deported. The US has illegals from all over the world, not just Mexico.

This statement "If you would call the cops on someone for trying to move to another country and make a better life for themselves and their family, than you are scum." just shows how ignorant you are. Why the hell would you want to support a poor family that is here illegally simply because the rich people in their own countries aren't willing to do it? The US treat's it's own poor better than any other country(for the most part), including providing the most opportunities, and I see that as no reason to have the poor from every other country move here to take advantage of that. At what point do you say enough is enough? When do you say, ok now we stop the illegals from comming in?

Is it when you have to give 50% of each dollar you make to the government? Illegals cost you in taxes,.. because they use everything your taxes pay for, and illegals don't pay taxes. Do you have any idea what the migration from Mexico to the US is doing to the smaller towns in Mexico? They're abandoned except for old ladies and children,.. The work force from Mexico has moved to the states. It is creating a country that will either have to survive as a parasite on the US, or start doing more to keep their talented workers at home to build industry there.

Yeah,.. on a single family basis,.. the illegal folks that live up the street, whom you have sympathy for,.. It's great to crusade for amnesty and brotherhood. But look at the bigger picture stupid.


Active Member
Not trying to hate or incite more racism but, wasn't every american once an illegal? I would not be here and an American had it not have been for illegal immigration as i'm sure most of the american population............imo

smoke a :joint: and be happy



Well-Known Member
I have enjoyed myself every time I've gone to Mexico. I think it's a beautiful place full of great people, with a fascinating history. I would love to see the country thrive. It could easily be more of an economic powerhouse than Canada.

Once upon a time, all the inexpensive manufactured stuff in the US stores said Maid In Mexico. Now it says Made in China. How f'ed up is that, when the country on the other side of the fence, looses to a country on the other side of the world in supplying manufactured goods? Just think of the cost of shipping alone. It's because of the crooked politicians and gangs. The US should help fix Mexico,.. not give handouts to their poor so they choose to live in the US.

An american roofer may make $20 bucks an hour,.. an Illegal $15. That's why they get hired in place of legals (immigrants or long time legal citizens).

Americans pay taxes Illegals don't. When's the last time you looked at your pay stub? The american making $20 bucks an hour is taking home less than the illegal,.. yet he helps pay for roads through taxes, as well as pay the wages for police,.. fire men,.. and contributes to the governement which is the biggest philanthropist in the world. The illegal sends his money home or pays his gangster boss.

I just don't get people who want illegals to continue coming into the US.


Well-Known Member
NO,. not every American was once Illegal,.. When the US was born, there were rules made about how to become a citizen and everyone living here at the time became one.

I am not a racist. I firmly believe that people should enter this country legally, and that has nothing to do with racism. I think that British people coming here to live and get a job should do it legally. I don't give a damn about the color of their skin.

That's enough from me on the subject,.. I don't want to get anyone's panties in a bunch either.


Well-Known Member
S. Mills,.. I think you're mistaking "illegals" with all Americans coming from immigrants. That would be true.

I LOVE immigrants,.. I think foreigners are fascinating and always extend my hand to them saying Welcome come, let me buy you a drink and tell me about your home and culture. If they're tourists, wonderful!,.. if they live here, even better,..

Illegals,.. though,. are Illegal.


Well-Known Member
U said they were cooking meth right? How bout you snitch on them for that and just pretend u had no idea they were growin cough cough torturing ganja plantS


Active Member
Just a little background info: I used to live in Phoenix, had mexican neighbors who were the maintainence of the apartment and they were cool. Even went with them on an Easter egg hunt.

First off I agree that meth making is very dangerous. Dude lights up his pipe on his porch one night or whatnot and if they just got done cookin a batch and didnt ventilate right or whatever may happen...point is it can blow up and be close enough to catch on fire. Granted any grow, legal or not, has a chance to catch on fire from wiring but if its an illegal grow its more likely to cause more harm than good. If they are in it for the money, like someone else said, it could be gang related so saying something in person would not be advised. Especially since the guy said he had a son, I wouldn't want someone trying to ransom my kid for my grow if they found out I was growing or whatnot. I'd be worried if someone ratted them out but they wont know its this guy unless he sticks his head over their fence and gawk. It could be any neighbor bordering the meth house. They could smell vapors and just complain that they have a bunch of stinky trash outside and have it investigated if there are laws in place in neighborhoods in his area or something like that. I'd just be more easily to give an anon tip just because I dont want my house blown up when theirs does, but if his grow is illegal too (after 6 pages i can't remember if its med or not) that'd be the only reason not want to call. Just think about the other neighbors safety, not just his grow. If they were clones, more clones could be cloned hopefully. Shit happens and you learn from mistakes. Or you could point them out to other neighbors and you'd be 100% free of any guilt of callin them out personally.


Well-Known Member
i didnt say meth was on the same level as weed but does freedom have a level?

i agree with sidhartha for the most part. i love these retarded people who compare the illegal mexicans with all immigrants in history. its not like the irish came over here on boats and ran up the fucking beach hiding from border patrol. they were welcomed here to some degree and they contributed to the u.s. and payed their taxes. also the u.s. had alot more space. its one thing when people are coming here and settling the country and its another thing when we are over populated and these illegals are stealing our services. enough is enough we need to close our borders.
but does freedom have a level?
ya... blue, green, yellow, orange, and red....oh wait, those are threat levels. oops.

the situation is being dealt with in an orderly manner. and to anyone that thinks im a racist.....think whatever you want, i dont really care too much.

just know that i never said anything bad about mexicans in general, or anyone else. i said "illegals", which is what they are. and to the fella that called me a bigot for not believing in their right to come to my home country (ya know, where i was born) to cook toxic chemicals next door to my son: you are retarded. stfu.gtfo.
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