My Neighbor Ripped My Plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
Grow another one but spray the hell out of it with the most toxic, caustic chems you can find. Try to engage him in conversation when it's near finish, and say that someone ripped your last plant but you got another one that's even better coming down soon. He rips the contaminated plant, smokes it, and fucks himself.
this is good advice. sure some say thats cruel or watever but if someone ripped my plant and i felt i couldnt get it back the best i could do is get that mother****er sick by spraying my plant with raid or watnot. lol

or better yet pretend you know nothing is up...have him over...offer him a drink and put like 6x the standard dose of exlax...dude goes to the break in and steal your plant

really the possibilities are endless it just matters how far you wanna take it for your one plant.

how big is said plant? is it the only plant you had? if so thats greedy as hell. if he was smarter he would have just clipped a bud or two and consistently stole a little mj so he could sustain a small supply but nope he's extra greedy and just a flat out ass-wipe.

i personally like the idea thechosen mentioned or the exlax idea (remember more is better). either that or get some roofies and slip them in his drink till he passes out then you can just take his house keys from him and go in and get it...then leave his ass butt naked in the woods/desert lol


Well-Known Member
You are 18, yes? I am about as sure that you have friends who knew about your grow, as you are that it was your neighbor. Could be anyone. If you are 99% sure it was your neighbor, I would get a disposable cell phone and call 911 to report that you were jogging by (insert his address) and say a naked young girl ran out screaming and a man ran out after her and dragged her back inside. They will search the shit out of home. If he has it, they will likely find it. You won't get it back, but you will get revenge.

Who knows, maybe he does have a young girl captive in there.
i LOVE this idea. you wont get it back true but its still pretty awesome.