My Mother Plant, My Babies, and Big Girl. Third Grow. Pictures.


Well-Known Member
I was in my garden today doing the check up and taking care of the ladies and decieded to snap a couple shots of what I have going on. This is my third grow, consecutively. However it is my first grow at the new location. I took some cuts from the mother when we got here and put them in soil when they rooted. I let them veg and took more cuttings 2-3 weeks later (When mom was ready to give again). The second batch I took has passed the first batch. They are all way better looking and way bigger then my first clones. I think its because the first time I took smaller cuttings off the mom. I do have one additional plant that I already had in soil before we moved, she is now about 2 1/2 or 3 feet tall. I plan on flowering soon. I wan't my clones to be atleast a foot tall before I flower. Most of them are around 10 inches right now. (The second batch at least). The first batch are still quite small, but I can stick them in the other veg spot when I flower in the main room. Right now they are vegging under 400 watt HPS, but I will soon kick on the 1000 watt HPS along with the 400 watt when I start the flowering cycle. Any input is appreciated. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
On the mother yes, because I use her to get my clones. My clones have not had any leafs pulled at all. I only pull if they are 3/4 "bad." I try to aviod it. I knew everyone has there opinions, but I try not to pull leafs for light to enter or anything.