Johnny Retro
Well-Known Member
Hows it goin so far?
thanks for all the support far this venture has def been of my favorite parking lot venues= parking near exits of crowded malls
this past sunday i sat on the back of my truck near the mall exit and handed cars bundles of kindling and they'd hand me money... i'd either hand them a bundle or two directly or they'd pop their trunk and i'd throw a bundle or two in
as far as preparation goes- i found pleeeenty of places to pick up free wood pallets (from medium/smaller businesses)...take them home and cut them up/chop/bundle at a rate of i'd saayyy... 8-10 bundles/ that's between $20 and $30 dollars per hour of manual labor I put into the actual work taxes of course....but then when I set up shop, the bundles go relatively fast...i was at the mall on sunday between hours of 4 and 7 PM. dressed all nice and warm with gloves, dollars for change, a hot tea...and a some good bud of course
makin it happen!
one thing about trying to employ yourself in hustles like these- be your own motivator 100% and BE BOLD !! there's no room for embarassment or feeling silly about your hustle- present yourself and your product with integrity to get noticed!
Want to make some money, make some handmade door wreaths. I've doen it before and made mad money. I learned how to make them in school. They only cost like 2 dollars to make maybe half hour to make and you can sell them for 20 bucks. People love them around the week before christmas.
whats ups policy on privacy? dont know how to send a PMwell, jobs are scarce so a lot of young dudes my age are looking for a hustle- an euntreprenurial way to make some money. I've been working at UPS' seasonal position for the past few weeks and that will end soon (the 24th) so in the meantime I sensed another quick-money opportunity- kindling wood
my neighbor down the street had a serious landscape-makeover about a year ago and cut down tons of trees- he's had the brush/logs piled up now for a I figured I'd take it all off his hands- cut it with the chainsaw, split it with an axe, and bundle it up with hemp-string....sell em for $3 each, 2 for $5.
I haven't done this since middle school when my dad would drive me to church parking lots or little league baseball games where I'd set up shop and sell kindling wood...but in tough times you do what you gotta do so stack your loot up right?