My Mom got the ELECTRIC billok last month i was using to

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
okay last month i was using two floros and my mom got a 200 dollor bill . . she said usually its only a hundred . . but i dont know . .. she hasnt suspected anything . . . but today i got two more cfls . . . . will this really make my moms electric bill go up that much . . i got the energy smart cfls .. 26 watts .. 1750 lumens yadada .. . . so do you guys think i can fly undetected with four cfls?>


Well-Known Member
True but to answer your question if you use only CFL lighting source the effect on the bill should be nominal. Figure out the kwH costs of your lighting or the lighting setup you intend to have to get a general idea of what your monthly cost should be.

If you cant pay your mom then do her a favor and be good do chores without whining and maybe wash her car every once in a while. A little good will goes a long way when you are trying to stay un noticed. Plus dude its your mom.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
lmao i just dont want her to wonder why the bills going up . . she thinks its because our heaters are on all the time . . and she walked in my room and saw the window wide open and its winter here so she thought . . thats where all the cold air is comming from .. i was trying to air out my closet and move that stail air out :) 4 floros on 18/6 i need to find out the kwh but me donno how


Active Member
thats like a 104 watts dude thats like having one normal light on in your house it should make ur bill go up by like 5 dollars man.


Well-Known Member
yeah but im sure at the very least you do the washing up for your mom and take the trash out and do a lot of jobs for her around the house, I know you wouldnt be that harsh.


Well-Known Member
yeah man fluro's dont raise it 100... lol try turning off everything in ur house. etc... i live with my rents still im 18, our hot water is lowered, so its almost 100 below normal, i could run a 1000watt HPS/MH and she wouldent know
with the mh 18/6 she might be wondering, but when i use hps 12/12 she wont know.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
fa show i got those four floros and a fan going and sometimes i switch on the humidifier i know it shouldnt make it go up that much . . and yeah i do dishes and take out the trash . . . i even cook dinner for my mom like 2 to 3 times a week bro . . so. . .


Well-Known Member
Dude, you shouldn't be growing in your moms house anyway. You are putting her and all her belongings at risk. Save some money and get your own place to grow. Aint fair to your mom dude.

100 watts of cfl will not cause a $100 spike anyway. I run about 360 watts of cfl and only pay about an extra $15-20


Well-Known Member
i have 8 cfl's running...and i only noticed a $3 jump in my bill. I think your mom is pulling your chain.

But here' the cold hard truth.... STOP FUCKING GROWING IN YOUR PARENTS HOUSES!!!!!! Grow up and move out and start growing where only YOU will get in shit. Have some respect for your mom, we wouldn't want to see her lose everything and go to jail for your stupid ass.


Active Member
Sounds like your mom want you to just start paying her back or mabey she wants you out. The bill would literally only be a few extra $ a mounth