my mite problem is getting worse...


Well-Known Member
Most have one synthetic chemical , pyganic and judo are two that ars 100 percent organic if that is important to you.
I woukdnt use a toxic systemic like forbid at this point.


I used rubbing alcohol on my plants 50 50 mix with water killed every spider mite. I was not in flowering though.
Remember, "Organic" does not mean healthy. Lead, arsenic, cadmium are all 100% organic. Not that these examples are in a pesticide, however I would only use pesticides that are food based (like garlic or whatev) and kill by hand. If you don't have giant mite webs all over your colas, you are in ok shape.


Well-Known Member
H2O2 burns the little fuckers up and is good for your plants

Add silica to your nutes. Makes the stems tougher and less tasty


Well-Known Member
Pet^^ knows what's up:-) and safest way is carbon dioxide poisoning, if you don't have tank + regulator kit try nicotine spray (remove tobacco from the cigarettes! Will kill everything) or sulfur spray (oldest and most used pesticide in the world)........can't recommended anything else this far into flower...


Active Member
I don't have any webs that I can see I've been removing the leaves most infected an throwing them away every day, and what should I use to get them off physically, I have a bunch of lady bugs and I was hoping they would eat them even if they were dead but I'm sure I need more than tthe lady bugs to remove them


Well-Known Member
I don't have any webs that I can see I've been removing the leaves most infected an throwing them away every day, and what should I use to get them off physically, I have a bunch of lady bugs and I was hoping they would eat them even if they were dead but I'm sure I need more than tthe lady bugs to remove them
Spray a LIGHT sugar/maple-syrup/molasses/etc. and water dilution onto the ladybugs so the can't fly away until there job is done:)

good luck grower........keep fighting the bastards!!


Active Member
So from now until harvest probably a month away I'm going to use fox farm don't bug me with contains pyrethrum and Monterey garden insect spray which contains spinosad, I'll probably stop using the pyrethrum 2-3 weeks before harvest but will use the spinosad until a few days before harvest. How much should I drench them with each of these since I already sprayed with neem a couple times?


Well-Known Member
soapy water with ground chilli pepper powder.. spray the underneath of the plants leaves.. and the base of the soil pot.. also put something to cover the soil like a layer of play sand .. also get some cedar wood shavings from wally world and either put small bowls of it in your grow room.. bugs hate cedar.. ..
Mighty wash from THAT STUFF works wonderful, and its actually only ionized water so its perfectly fine to spray on flowers all the way up until harvest day, I've heard of some even dipping buds before hanging! I use it and love it, and I've put a mite under scope and sprayed, they don't explode or disintegrate like the bottle says but they do die instantly.
If I'm not in flower, I caught a mix around here somewhere. Azamax, safer brand caterpillar killer with BT, and some captain jacks or monterey garden insecticide. Mix together in hot water at proper dilusion rates and spray, the hot water helps the azamax to enter the waxes layers of the leafs easier. ( so is said) Hope this helps


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I hate fucking mites with a passion. They always come back and they laugh at neem oils and soaps. They are now immune to Doktor Doom for me but so far my god sent weapon has become General Hydroponics Azamax. Costs like $15-$19 for a bottle which will make like 10 gallons of spray. You mix it with water then drench the plants once every 4 days for 3 applications then once every 2 weeks will prevent reinfestation. kills pretty much on contact.


Active Member
I havent posted an update in a while but I'm still having trouble getting rid of them. Still like at least 3 weeks before i harvest my fastest finishers but when should stop using pyrethrin? I'm also using spinosad which I heard can be used up until day of flower, but how close up to flower can I use the fox farm don't bug me? Which is what I have that contains pyrethrin. I'm just very worried about getting a foul taste or harsheness in my buds, but I have never used this product before so does anyone have any experience on how this will effect the final product?

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
The damage on the images you provided look more like thrip damage rather than mite damage. Captain Jacks Dead Bug all the way! Could you throw up some pics of the undersides of your leaves?


Active Member
I alread know that I have thrips as well, but from other leaves mites is undeniable.ill get some new pics up in a little


Active Member
And also I am not looking to buy any more products, just some guidance on using the two I have which are Monterey garden insect spray and Don't Bug me by Fox Farm


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2756566View attachment 2756567View attachment 2756568ive been battling a mite infestation but it seems to just be getting worse on some of my plants, I used neem twice because im in flower so I don't want to keep using it but I still treat every other day with spinosad but it just isn't working, im gonna try using peppers boiled in water but if anyone has any suggestions that would be great I really need some help.
this looks like thrip damage to me


Active Member
silica foliar, in the water. ladybugs and mantis. best off the shelf other then spinosad, "grower's trust" knoked out the bugs and eggs in 2 applications inside. nematodes have always been my outdoor protectors


Active Member
silica foliar, in the water. ladybugs and mantis. best off the shelf other then spinosad, "grower's trust" knoked out the bugs and eggs in 2 applications inside. nematodes have always been my outdoor protectors
Can I use silica this late in flower as a foliar? I'm feeding with it as well and most say bugs are more of a preventative than actually helping an infestation.