My Milk jug bud


Well-Known Member
lol im about 15 days in to flower with white russian 4th gen and there 30 inches high and about 2 and a half feet - 3 feet wide..... and u dont wanna crowd too much get mold from stag air , and low circulation, and the humidity could be a prob to with dwc , i got about 50-60 at all times id like 40 for flowering .... and theres 1 1000 w over 5 monsters 8x8 area... u need good light penitration... if there extremly sativa, and are super lankey and that u might have a chance, and say last day of flowering how much room could u at max, provide ur girls with between eachother.... like how far apart would each plant get, each plant could in theory be provide 2ft squared?


Well-Known Member
i hear yeah bud. first time grow and i never new they would get 3 feet wide... well i still got one other spare bedroom next to that once if i need so i will just toss half into that room. ether or will see how it goes thanks for your 2 cents buddy :D:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
and not to sure if its true but i hurd from a buddy that the leaves on a small plant have lots of THC.... just wondering if its true... i got lots of chronic to smoke but sounds kinda wierd that the small leaves got a bunch of THC...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so i been using this thread alot lately as this is my first grow. So thanks to lots of you. Just figured i would throw up some pics let you guys check em out and maybe get a laugh out of my jugs. these guys are now on the end of there 3rd week from seeds. are they looking the right size? all between 5" and 8 1/2". all i have is my shitty blackberry pearl for pics but there half decent. let me know what you think.. peace Strawberry
Ive noticed you enjoy milk :D..

2%? :D:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah the leaves near the bud will have thc , msot people make hash or oil out of this shake and scraps left over from harvest,


Well-Known Member
he doesnt have his in pots the size of yours and im pretty sure he went into flower within the first month so his sizes stayed smaller...are all ur seeds fem???if not then ur gona lose probably about half so the size will be greatly reduced


Well-Known Member
actually the one i have is dwc , 5 gal buckets, turn to flower at about 18 inch , used 400w hps for veg , had clones from a guy, and 1000w hps for flower, about 20 days in , with dnf grow and bloom, and big bud and super trhrive.... but still look at the room and how tight the pots are together , im jsut sayin its not guna workright through to flowering ... and yeah are they feminized... not like that makes a shitload of diff


Well-Known Member
haahaha mine are not even fem... so im only really hopeing to get 3 of each to be female. but i mean even in the future i was hopeing to get like 40 in there at least but like you guys said they do need quite a bit of room... also still gotta be able to walk around them... as of now i only have a foot or so on each side to get to the back but once i set up up the other 2 lights i can have them set up a bit diffrent to give them a little more room... thanks for the replies guys keep em coming :D


Well-Known Member
ya also remember ur gona need room to walk through them not just outside..the middle plants will eventually be too large to reach from the outside


Well-Known Member
indeed, and if u get any problems , there hard to omniter closely for molds and bugs and whatever , you need alot of room especially during flower to walk around and manage ur plants , feed water , and so u dont break or fuckup any plants when ur moving around or changing sutff


Well-Known Member
ow yeah and so today the big one got to 19" so i super croped the top like 8" just to bring it down tot he rest of the plants. first time doing so and already within a few hours im happy i did so... i think all just keep doing that till i flower.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so its been a couple weeks i have a few pictures here of about a week ago. So im pretty excited i tossed them all into flowering :hump: I figure they are a little small at 18" to 30" but im to excited to watch them bud for the first time. so my question is are they a decent size to flower? And i want some info from you guys like how big your plants were the day you started flowering and how tall they ended up when they were done flowering and ready to drop? How long in between. hhhmmmm i guess really any other info would be awesome too :grin: kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. Looks like you got them all transplanted in some nice pots.

Depending on if they are indica/sativa dominant they could get anywhere from 3-5 ft. Flowering time could be anywhere from 7-14 weeks depending on the strain.

What strain do ya got going there?



Well-Known Member
yeah man 4 gallon... no fucken around lol the next crop will be a big one lol. and i got 3 sitiva they tossed in so nut to sure what kind. then i got 8 white rino 10 northern lights and 10 bubble gum... i was just wondering more or less if all still get some more high on them well there flowering? i will let them flower as long as they need im not in that much of a rush. just wanted to get them flower so i can enjoy the next step you know as it is my first. they do look damn good tho man i never really ever had any problems at all yellow leafs or anything like that. i must have done something right for my first grow. :D:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
also size wise how did i do planted these babys from seed only on the 8th of january. and there between 18" and 30" also transplanted them like 3 times all times i pushed it alittle to long.... what you think BC TRRRRRIPIN


Well-Known Member
They are looking good man, coming along very nicely. Veggin is the easy part. :wink:

They are definitely gonna get at least 1/3 taller during flowering if not more.

Just take it easy when flowering, Remember with nutes Less is More. With those big pots you will want to do huge feedings less often as opposed to doing a little bit every couple days.

Find out how much water you have to give one to get runoff (at least 2-4 L for those pots) and thats how much you should feed each plant. You might only need to water once a week, prolly every 4-5 days. Feel how heavy the pots are when you know a plant is thirsty, it will be noticably lighter and is another good way to determine when to water.

What are you using for nutes?



Well-Known Member
shit dude the nuts are all in the closet of that room all have to check 2morrow.. let you know. and for watering i have been doing 1 liter each plant every 3 days and it only takes about a 2 litres to get run off. So thanks for the imput bro big time. and check back 2morrow for me all let you know everything i have been using i wanna hear what you got to say.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro so yeah all i been using... i mixed in blood meal, bone meal, muriate of potash and i se carbon blast every watering as well as every week i toss in a shot of that schultz 10-15-10 and thats it with my ph downer.. let me know what else i should be using thanks man