My master plan


hey everybody i will be showing u guys my set up. i recently started to grow im so in love with bud im dedicating my time to it. well this is my basic set up on my vegg roo. i have 2 t5 florecents at 400watts a panel. since i started my temp and humidity have been where i want it to b at.:bigjoint: now im just waiting to get my 4 1000watt hps and co2 tanks. ive research different light methods but i always have an open ear for suggestions. this is all fairly new to me so bare with me im a little slow:wall:....o yea i have 20 plants in 5 gallon long pots



Well-Known Member
Nice, you're going to have some monstar plants. You should start working out a ventilation system for those HID lights. They're going to produce a lot of heat. How big is your room?