my LST training working properly ?


Hi, I started to LST training on my 1 week into flowering plant. It is 12/12 from seed. Yesterday I took photo after starting LST. NOw(9 hours later ) I took another photo. It is first time for me to try so I need your opinion.

First photo is before 2nd and 3rd is after.



Well-Known Member
Its not gonna help too much if its already in flower.

After this run do one not 12/12 from seed and lst from the beginning to get the best results.


I got only one cabinet and one light system and I m continuesly putting new plants in the room. I think I gotta do 12/12 all the time

Am I get one more top with this training or it is just for getting more light to the side



Well-Known Member
in the top of the plant there is a Hormone (auxin?) which lets the plant think "here is the top and best light, this is where i will Focus to grow further". With lst u turn the "head" down below other parts. Now it will distribute the Hormone more to the sides and grow bushier, to make those sides the new "heads" to get the best light say what you r doing will Change nothing. Im noob too, but i started to lst like 2nd week... use Google and type "lst tutorial"


Well-Known Member
It looks pretty stretched. tbh

For those other ones in the pics, start your lst when they are 5-6" tall. Bend them almost flat (as low as you can)
the side branches will catch up and the top will perk back up looking for light.

If you want to get real adventurous you can top it above the second true node and lst the tops when they grow back and side branches.
The plant will turn into a fat shrub and you will have fun trying to keep up with it. :)


Well-Known Member
If you only have one grow space then id recommend autoflowers. Theyll yield a little better on 18 hours then a plant thats 12/12 from seed. At least in your situation.


Well-Known Member
Jesus man I don't mean to be a dick but u might aswell pull that plant... For one, the stem looks tiny as hell once it starts getting buds, if they ever get weight on them it's gonna crack right in half, you need a fan blowing on that sucker... Looks stretched like the light isn't close enough


Well-Known Member
No benifit from LST at flowering time...LST benifits come during stated earlier, it's all about auxin production


agreed on the auto flower idea. if your limited with your lighting definitely go that route. Like I read up top go to youtube and see how people are doing. Probably easier to watch a video that go read and interpret what they meant ha.


Active Member
Sorry to say but LSTing after flowerings in my experience is useless. It add little to nothing in yield. LSTing need to be done from the first or second week of veg. That plant looks like it could have gone much longer on ur veg cycle. I don't know how u are counting ur time but just because a seed sprouts does not mean ur in veg. It takes a few weeks for the roots to take hold and rapid grow to begin. That is the start of ur veg cycle. Now u may get lucky because it takes a plant 2 to 3 weeks in 12/12 to realize it needs to flower, so maybe those couple weeks may get u some new growth. But don't forget to not start counting flowering days until u start to see actual flowers. So basicly consider ur first two weeks in 12/12 as pre-flowering, begin counting flowering days after that. Although i am not a big fan of keeping such tight schedules. Water it and feed it til it tells u it ready via watching the tricombs. Good Luck and Happy Smoking :bigjoint::bigjoint:


What lights are you using? You need to lower your light for sure. All of them are stretched. You might also want to organize it a little better bc it looks like a cluster fuck. If i were you I would organize t better and label them all so you know which ones are what and when they were placed under the light.