My lower back has destroyed my life

My first fusion lasted 19 years. I'm/ was a Sparky. Was pain free most of the time. Just had adjacent segment fusion done 4/18. I didn't become a junky... and i'm pretty much pain free. 54YO. This is what I have for hardware. L4 L5 S1
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Same here.
If they can't fix the damaged discs then fusion is a viable option.
I stress tested the hell out of mine about 5 years ago when I smacked a deer on my bike at a rapid pace. I ended up doing a nice Superman flip and broke both legs(lost my rt below the knee) as well as multiple fractures across my body. Pain is just a fact of life for me so I manage it as best as I can with cannabis.
I can say that if my lumbar hardware can absorb that much impact without ripping out, you should be ok.
I hurt my back in the navy and every now and again I'll go through a week, a month or two, or longer dealing with it. The longest was when I first hurt it which went on for about a year and a half.

My sciatic nerve is pinched due to a ruptured disk. I get pain from my lower back down to my foot. My ass is always seized up, its miserable. Any how, what I do to treat it a battery of NSAID pain relivers and I've had pretty good results sometimes with flexaril which is great because it's not addictive, however it's no silver bullet either.

Also, I hit the gym near daily where I stretch, walk and work my core out a little before the days portion of a pull, push, legs split. Today was the first day I could get in since a severe episode last week. I feel like I challenge myself while I'm there, but I go easy, focusing on the negative and trying to improve my form.

I've also found that most times walking is better than lying down even if it hurts a little. Laying down all day always comes back to haunt me with crippling pain. That goes for sleeping too. I can't sleep all day or it will immobilize me. I've found if I feel rested after 6.5 hours then I should get up and start messing with my plants or go to the gym.

I'm always flexing my abs too. It's like my core is taking the pressure off my sciatic nerve.

That's what I deal with and how I deal with it I guess. I also suppose it goes without saying that cannabis is a large part of my larger treatment plan. It's just pain management, it's not perfect, but it's better than getting strung out on oxy. I'll take the pain over junk sickness.

Anyway, hope something in my post helps someone, sorry that many of us are dealing with this malady. hope everyone gets to feeling better.