my lizard dosnt like weed!


Well-Known Member
So, my friends were staying over last night in the spare room. This is where the plant is kept. So we dont want them knowing we are growing so we moved the "grow box" into our bedroom for the night. Everything went well, all get drunk and passed out at about 3 am.
So friends left and me and the gf are just chilling down stairs and i decided to go move the plant back into the spare room, and low and behold my 3.5 foot bosc moniter had let himself out of his tank an decided to opwn and climb into the grow box and dug up the compost.

Not happy

Luckly he dug arround the plant and the only damage was the plant had been pushed over.

So has any one else got any near miss animal attacks on their plants??? :-D


Active Member
haha yes....Woke up one morning and to my dismay all of my exhaust ducting were ripped down and torn to pieces and both of my fans were knocked down mylar stripped from walls jesus christ I thought I got raided or something....low and behold my raccoon*kiki* let herself into my bedroom by climbing the gate thats up infront of my door and opening the door handle (we usually lock it) and got into it left the plants alone but tore everything else up my HPS cooltube was hanging by one hook...took about a day and a half to redue the damages and all she wanted was to get into the hole in the ceiling where my exhaust blows into the attic so she can go up there and sleep in the cold....what a bitch haha I cant be mad at her tho for she is a wild animal and I took her out of the wild so im respoinsible for her was quite the expierence....


Well-Known Member
haha yes....Woke up one morning and to my dismay all of my exhaust ducting were ripped down and torn to pieces and both of my fans were knocked down mylar stripped from walls jesus christ I thought I got raided or something....low and behold my raccoon*kiki* let herself into my bedroom by climbing the gate thats up infront of my door and opening the door handle (we usually lock it) and got into it left the plants alone but tore everything else up my HPS cooltube was hanging by one hook...took about a day and a half to redue the damages and all she wanted was to get into the hole in the ceiling where my exhaust blows into the attic so she can go up there and sleep in the cold....what a bitch haha I cant be mad at her tho for she is a wild animal and I took her out of the wild so im respoinsible for her was quite the expierence....
...... A Raccoon living in a house........... Good luck lol


Well-Known Member
raccoons have not been with humans long enough to be fully domesticated, they can always snap or just abandon their owners.