MY little Growbox and First time Grow.

looks like what started out to be not so promising is going go turn out quite well. just make sure you have enough light. home depot has a 300 watt 2700k for 14 bucks you might wanna introduce a couple of those down the road


Active Member
They look great!!! Hope you have some room since they will double/possibly triple in size.....


I am hoping I have enough light as well. I am going to have to check out that 300 watter for 14 dollars.

Right now I have 4 105 watt cfls that I picked up from 1000 bulbs for like 18 each. Its not a large area so the mylar really helps brighten it up.


Not much growth. But here is a updated picture. We have been in flowering I think for 2 or 3 days on 12 - 12.

You cannot tell anymore but there are 4 plants. 2 behind the 2 that you can see.

They are starting to get thirsty. Drinking a little over a gallon per container is missing almost daily.


this is the one from home depot. its actually only 68 watts (300 equivalent) but its a little cheaper than the ones you bought online and you can double socket your lights and add 4 more of these. or if you wanna order 4 more of the ones you got that would be even better (just more expensive). those plants are looking NICE and i'd hate to see the yeild suffer.



this is the one from home depot. its actually only 68 watts (300 equivalent) but its a little cheaper than the ones you bought online and you can double socket your lights and add 4 more of these. or if you wanna order 4 more of the ones you got that would be even better (just more expensive). those plants are looking NICE and i'd hate to see the yeild suffer.

Good find. I am going to go pick up two more reflectors and 4 bulbs.

I think my plants may Be girls. Woohoooo. I was really worried since my seeds were no feminized. I will take some pics on Sunday to post just to make sure.


Well my plants are continuing to grow. I guess I should of went into flowering much sooner. My big girl is about a ince away from the top of the box and I do not know what to do. I cannot move the lights up anymore.

Only of the plants are showing the little white hairs. Its been almost 2 weeks, I thuught I would have some mini buds by now. I am being impatient because I am excited.

None of my plants show any balls yet. Should they be showing by now if they were going to?


This flowering process is a butt kicking. Both of my plants out grew the box. I had no idea they would grow to be as big as they are.

I have been lazy with box lately and need to get some new pictures uploaded.

I also need to get a space heater. It is WAY to cold in my garage. It isnt killing my plants but I know ther are not comfy.