My Little Greenhouse

God I can't wait to fruit! lol knocking up 8 more jars. 4 Albino A+ and 4 Texas. Those look amazing dude, think you will get a third flush?

Yes it should have 1 more flush left in it. Might clone the big one, just waiting to see how it finishes
When u take a tissue sample it's not actually an isolation tho right? I've really been wanting to get into agar and master culture slants but looks to b about $150 in supplies to do it. Eh probably soon enough, I love mad scientist shit lol
Looks like you really have a good rotation going down. That's nice to see for at home styles. That's something that I'm currently working for.
When u take a tissue sample it's not actually an isolation tho right? I've really been wanting to get into agar and master culture slants but looks to b about $150 in supplies to do it. Eh probably soon enough, I love mad scientist shit lol

Tissue samples from a single shroom is an unknown. It could be a mosaic, or it could be a single isolate, no way to tell (at least for me).

But that being said, I would much rather limit it down to the smallest isolated bit from a cap than have to run through dozens of agar isolates before finding one that had the characteristics I want. Agar work requires a special kind of patience (hehe, that word again) that I do not have, at least no so far.

One the other hand, if you have a particular bit of genetics you want to save, agar work is pretty much the only way, so start learning if that is your goal.
Tissue samples from a single shroom is an unknown. It could be a mosaic, or it could be a single isolate, no way to tell (at least for me).

But that being said, I would much rather limit it down to the smallest isolated bit from a cap than have to run through dozens of agar isolates before finding one that had the characteristics I want. Agar work requires a special kind of patience (hehe, that word again) that I do not have, at least no so far.

One the other hand, if you have a particular bit of genetics you want to save, agar work is pretty much the only way, so start learning if that is your goal.

Well, I posted a primer on agar work, of course half of it dissapeared but the first half might help. I don't agree with the 150 dollar total though, I think if you have a glove box you can do it all for about 70.

Well, I posted a primer on agar work, of course half of it dissapeared but the first half might help. I don't agree with the 150 dollar total though, I think if you have a glove box you can do it all for about 70.

Oh, I'll be playing with it soon enough. At least I think so. About a year ago I got "done". I just got a shipment of petri dshes, sleeves, and a variety of agar formulas. I had PLANS! But I got tired. I had too much too do in the real world, and the closet wasn't as fun any more.

I ended up trashing 20 trays, in various stages of growth, just to be done. So the agar sat. Many jars sitting. I wonder what will happen when they are opened.

Well, it seems I'll have space and time and a newfound interest, that'll come together in about a month. So back for a bit for play and learning.

Well, I posted a primer on agar work, of course half of it dissapeared but the first half might help. I don't agree with the 150 dollar total though, I think if you have a glove box you can do it all for about 70.

yeah sorry that included some ca bicarb, 24 synthetic filter discs, 10 syringes, 24 test tubes for slants and autoclavable flask, you can use a alch fifth as a cheap replacement I guess.
I have a nice vacuum sealer but never break it out anymore, I have had good of luck with stapeling and clothes pins.

Hey Bat, I rushed in here to delete that post - a guy on another post pointed out that I am being a dick - and he is right, Too late though you read it already. I don't mean to be telling everyone who have had great sucess always something better. Excuse me for doing that please?
Hey Bat, I rushed in here to delete that post - a guy on another post pointed out that I am being a dick - and he is right, Too late though you read it already. I don't mean to be telling everyone who have had great sucess always something better. Excuse me for doing that please?

Its all good man, I know you mean no harm and are just trying to show another way of doing things, the actual proper and safest way of doing it. I have just been exceptionally lucky with my laziness in shortcuts.

No harm no foul and keep the info coming.